難解 mugen wifi の解約手続き Difficult Mugen Wifi cancellation procedure

2年間使用したポケットWi-fi (MUGEN Wi-fi)を解約したのですが、非常に分り辛かったというより分からなかった。


最後は、ネット検索でようやくたどり着きました。私の様に困る方のために、 URL を貼り付けますので参考にしてください。

URL中の Mugen WiFiを解約する時の手順 という所に記載が2つあって

上段をクリックすると、 こんな画面に  進みます。

後は、画面の問いに答えながら進めば終わります。注意点は 電話番号 のお知らせがあるので シッカリ記録 することです。ちなみに0570-000-457でした。

フォーム送信後に その電話番号に電話をしないと手続き完了にならないみたいです。

I canceled the pocket Wi-fi (MUGEN Wi-fi) that I had been using for two years, but it was more than difficult to understand. The only way to complete the procedure is to use the cancellation request form, but I had no idea where in the contract I could access that form. In the end, I finally found it through an internet search. For those who are having trouble like me, I will paste the URL for your reference. There are two statements in the URL called “Steps to cancel Mugen WiFi”. Clicking on the top row will take you to a screen like this. After that, all you have to do is answer the questions on the screen and the game will be over. Please note that you will be notified of your phone number, so be sure to record it carefully. By the way, it was 0570-000-457. It seems that the process cannot be completed unless you call the phone number after submitting the form.

いよいよ リタイヤ Finally retired

2022年3月 仕事をリタイヤしました。March 2022: I retired from work.

Thailand Buddha Buddhism Asia  - qimono / Pixabay
qimono / Pixabay


This is the beginning of my second life. It’s like an extension of my wandering life, so I’m going to move forward without rushing and thinking carefully.

先輩が営むファーム Farm run by seniors


先輩が奥様と営む農園が鳥取に在ります。There is a farm in Tottori that my senior colleague runs with his wife.

Garden Wheelbarrow Hat Basket
AnnaliseArt / Pixabay

梶谷ファーム ブログに近況が掲載されています。Please visit the blog if you like.


健康志向の自然派が売り、力仕事は先輩が担当、体が辛そうです。The products are sold by health-conscious naturalists, and seniors are in charge of the heavy lifting, which can be physically demanding.

Back Pain Backache Ache Aching
LillyCantabile / Pixabay

コロナワクチン接種 Corona vaccination








After vaccination, we observed the progress for 15 minutes and then concluded the vaccination. The next day, when I moved my arm, the area where I had the injection hurt, but by the second day, the pain had subsided.

チンチン電車 small retro train


塗装がとてもカラフルで車両型式もいろいろです。どれほどの車両が走っているのか分からないので写真を撮ってみます。A streetcar called Hankai Densha runs near my house. The paintwork is very colorful and there are many different vehicle models. I don’t know how many vehicles are running, so I’ll take some photos.

2019.12月現在の撮影車番 を一覧にしてみました。










ギャラリーへ  check out my gallery