モンステラ救済 monstera



近所のお店で質問すると挿し木は葉っぱ2枚位という事でしたので1本だった株を途中で切って2本にして葉が2つついている状態にしてみました。I received a houseplant from a relative around August, but the leaves are wilting and not very active. The name is Monstera. When I asked a question at a local store, I was told that the cuttings had about 2 leaves, so I cut the 1 plant in the middle and made 2 plants with 2 leaves attached.



来年5月まで室内で育てます。I thinned out one leaf from the frontmost leaf and used it as a cutting (it didn’t work). It seems that this work is usually done from May to July, but what will happen next? I will grow it indoors until next May.