台湾 台中(2005.7~205.11)Taiwan Taichung【時系列修正版】

2回目の勤務 (2005年7下旬)

2ヶ月の予定で再び来ました、ホテルも前回のホテルです。ホテルマン達の懐かしい顔が何故か 嬉しいです。

Second shift (late July 2005) I came back for a two-month stay and stayed at the same hotel as last time. For some reason, I’m happy to see the nostalgic faces of the hotel staff.

果物 (2005年八月上旬)


The name of the fruit I bought at the street vendor is “Longyan.” When eaten in the size of a pickled plum, it tastes similar to a lychee. The season seems to be after lychees. The hotel manager said he was Lychee’s younger brother.

所変われば、鍋料理 (2005年八月中旬)

先日、懐かしい友人達と食事でも行きましょうと誘われて、言った先が鍋料理の店。 お店はギンギンに冷房が効いていて、それでも食べてるうちに暑くなって来ました。友人に 何で真夏に鍋なんか食べるの?と聞くと、曰く「日本でも真冬に暖房の効いた部屋でアイスクリーム 食べるでしょ」っと言われ、こらゃーごもっともと、納得したしだいです。
決して鍋料理を馬鹿にして話してる訳ではなく、その日も海鮮鍋を美味しく頂いて帰った訳ですが、 台湾の鍋の具のなかで、日本と大きく違っていることがあるのです。
一つ目はトウモロコシで、二つ目は青っぽいトマト、三つ目は「フ」みたいな「湯葉」 みたいな「パン」みたいなものです。

Hot pot dish (mid-August 2005) A classic winter hot pot dish! It’s good to keep your body warm. Here in Taiwan, we eat hot pot in the middle of summer. The other day, I was invited to go out for dinner with some old friends, and we ended up going to a hot pot restaurant. The air conditioning in the restaurant was working really well, but it still started to get hot while I was eating. I asked my friend, why do you eat hot pot in the middle of summer? When I asked him about this, he said, “Even in Japan, people eat ice cream in a heated room in the middle of winter, right?” which I understood. I’m not talking about making fun of hotpot dishes, and I went home having a delicious seafood hotpot that day, but there are some ingredients in Taiwanese hotpots that are very different from those in Japan. The first one is corn, the second is a greenish tomato, and the third is something like “fu”, “yuba,” or “bread.” Everyone, please try Taiwanese hotpot. It’s really delicious.

果物 パート2 (2005年八月中旬)


これは、日本に輸出用のもので台湾では食べないそうです。知り合いから頂いたものです、輸出用 とあって未だ熟れていない状態です。もらって直ぐ食べたのですが、甘くなくて今日で5日目です。 もう一週間ほど寝かせてから頂くことにします。

This is for export to Japan and is not eaten in Taiwan. I received this from a friend, and it’s for export, so it’s not yet ripe. I ate it right after I received it, but it wasn’t sweet and today is the 5th day. I’ll let it rest for another week before I get it.

果物 パート3 (2005年八月中旬)

今回の果物は、ホンザオという物。大きさはグミ位で、味は林檎の甘くも酸っぱく無いって 感じですね。
ホンザオの実を食べるのは大変珍しいそうで、今日フロントに居たホテルマン達も初めて 食べたそうです。

The fruit this time is called Hongzao. The size is about the size of a gummy bear, and the taste is not sweet or sour like an apple. It is said that these Hongzao seeds can be used as Chinese herbal medicine.   It is said that it is very rare to eat Hongzao fruit, and the hotel staff who were at the front desk today said it was their first time eating it.

果物 パート4 (2005年八月下旬)

今日の果物は、釈迦頭(しゃかとう)見た感じがお釈迦様の頭みたいに見える事から、 この名が付いたそうです。大きい物だとソフトボール位で、これは少し小振りですね。
今は硬いので指で押して少し柔らかくなったら食べ頃です。去年食べた時は、柔らかく なり過ぎていて、二度と食べたくないと思ったほど超甘でした。今回は失敗しないように 食べたいと思います。
お釈迦様の頭と言っても、信仰心の薄れた日本ではピント来ませんが、寺小僧の私は聞いた瞬間 に直ぐ納得しました。

Today’s fruit is said to have gotten its name from the fact that it looks like the head of Buddha. If it were a big one, it would be about the size of a softball, but this one is a little smaller. It’s hard now, so when you press it with your finger and it becomes a little soft, it’s ready to eat. When I ate it last year, it was so soft and sweet that I didn’t want to eat it again. I want to try it this time so I don’t make a mistake.   Even though it was called the head of Buddha, it didn’t really come to mind in Japan, where religious beliefs have weakened, but as a temple boy myself, I was immediately convinced the moment I heard it.

お弁当 (八月下旬)

実は先日ホテルマン達が夕食の出前を注文していたので頼んで もらった事を思い出して今日も頼んでもらったのです。


Today, Typhoon No. 13 is approaching and the wind and rain are strong outside, so I don’t think I’ll be able to go out to dinner. If I were in Japan, I would try delivery! That’s it. Actually, the other day, the hotel staff had ordered dinner delivery, so I asked him for it, and he remembered that he had received it, so he ordered it again today. I think the Japanese name is teriyaki kitchen bento. It was a delicious lunch box with good flavor.


台風一過 (九月上旬)

台風通過中、ホテルの窓から。根っこから倒れる木もチラホラ。From the hotel window during the typhoon. A glimpse of trees falling from their roots

13号台風、直撃の翌朝いつものように仕事に出かけました。一日半ホテルに缶詰だったので、 通勤バスからの眺めは台風の爪あとツアーって感じでした。ここ台中は平野なので雨の被害は 目立たなく風の被害が目立ちます。街路樹は折れまくりその枝が道路を塞ぎ渋滞が起きています。 軍隊が出動して市当局と共同で片付けを始めましたが、帰り道には未だ残骸が残ってました。 それから、大き目の看板の破損もあちこちで起きています。

The morning after Typhoon No. 13 hit, I went to work as usual. I was stuck in a hotel for a day and a half, so the view from the bus to work was like a tour of the typhoon’s footprints. Since Taichung is a plain, rain damage is less noticeable, but wind damage is more noticeable. Street trees are broken and their branches are blocking the road, causing traffic jams. The military was dispatched and began cleaning up in collaboration with city authorities, but debris still remained on the way home. Also, damage to large signboards is occurring here and there.


Even if the tree breaks halfway, the typhoon will break the weak part of the tree. How trees that are strong against nature survive.   It seems that tree branches and main roads collected on the road beside the park will be cleared first.

このカッコイイビルの窓も一枚無くなっていた。真中やや下ですが、このサイズ では見えないですね。

電気街 (九月上旬)

ここ台中にも、電気街が駅の近くにあります。今日は先輩二人に連れられて やって来ました。細い路地に道具屋、部品屋がひしめき合いながら商いしてました。 大人三人が日曜日の午後4時間を費やすに充分な所でした。

Here in Taichung, there is an electronics town near the station. He came today accompanied by two seniors. The narrow alleys were crowded with tool shops and parts shops doing business. It was a great place for three adults to spend four hours on a Sunday afternoon.   Today’s harvest was two Molex pin pullers (Battamon), a mirror, and a LCD protective film.

月 見 (2005年9月中旬)

日本では十五夜のお月見は、ススキを飾り月を見ながら団子を食べる。最近では団子だけ食べる など省略スタイルが多いと思いますが、ここ台湾では中秋節と言いお正月に次ぐ大行事です。
9月18日は両親の元に帰郷して家族皆でバーベキューを楽しみます。今年は18日が日曜日 なので、前日の土曜日に宴を設ける人が多いそうです。滞在中のホテルでも夕刻6時から裏庭で バーベキューが行われ、宿泊客も招待されました。


In Japan, during moon viewing on the 15th night, people decorate with pampas grass and eat dumplings while looking at the moon. I think there are a lot of people these days who just eat dumplings, but here in Taiwan, the Mid-Autumn Festival is the second biggest festival after New Year’s. On September 18th, I will return home to my parents and enjoy a barbecue with the whole family. This year, the 18th falls on a Sunday, so many people are holding a feast on the Saturday before. At the hotel where I was staying, he held a barbecue in the backyard starting at 6pm, and guests were also invited. Few people see the moon?


The hotel staff was very helpful. The president also helped with the baking.   Professional singers were also invited, and the atmosphere was lively with karaoke and games.

果物 パート5 (2005年9月中旬)

今日の果物は、名前は調べておきますが種類は梨です。大きいです。今日の昼ご飯はこれ1個 で充分でした。味は甘くて大変美味しかったです。

I’ll look up the name of today’s fruit, but it’s a pear. its big. One of these was enough for lunch today. The taste was sweet and very delicious.

果物 パート4 (2005年9月中旬)

今日の果物は、文旦(ブンタン)です。見ての通りミカン系です。味は酸っぱさは無く大味 ですが、甘かったです。皮が分厚くて1個剥くと手が油でビッショリになりました。

Today’s fruit is pomelo. As you can see, it’s a mandarin orange. The taste was strong without being sour, but it was sweet. The skin was so thick that when I peeled one off, my hands were drenched in oil.

小  旅  行 (2005年9月中旬)

目的地は、台湾唯一の国立公園の阿里山(ありさん)です。そこを走る世界三大登山鉄道 の一つ阿里山森林鉄道に乗る事にしました。 ちなみに、残りの二つとは、インドのダージリン鉄道、チリ⇔アルゼンチンのアンデス山鉄道 らしいです。

Small trip (mid-September 2005) I went on a day trip on Sunday, September 18th. Companions are colleagues at work. Our destination is Alishan, Taiwan’s only national park. I decided to ride the Alishan Forest Railway, one of the three major mountaineering railways in the world that runs there. By the way, the other two are the Darjeeling Railway in India and the Andes Railway between Chile and Argentina.

朝5時45分にホテル出発、台中駅から自強号(じきょうごう)で一時間半、嘉義(かぎ) 駅下車。一旦改札を出て切符売り場の四番で阿里山までの切符を買う。発車の9時まで 帰りのバス乗り場の確認をして駅の周りを一回りしてコーヒーを飲みながら待ちました。待ってる間、 ひっきりなしに阿里山ナントかカントカと言いながら呼込みのオジちゃんオバちゃんが 近寄って来ます。

We departed from the hotel at 5:45 a.m., took the Ziqiang train from Taichung Station for an hour and a half, and got off at Chiayi Station. Once you exit the ticket gate, buy a ticket to Alishan at ticket counter number 4. I checked the bus stop for my return trip until 9am, walked around the station, and waited while drinking coffee. While I was waiting, the older men and women who were trying to attract people would come up to me and keep saying “Arisan Nantes” or “Kantoka.”

改札は国鉄(言い方が古いですけど雰囲気はバッチリ)と同じですが 別会社のため切符に鋏は入れずに列車の居る方向を指差すだけでした。

The ticket gate is the same as the Japanese National Railways (old name, but the atmosphere is perfect), but since it is a different company, I didn’t put scissors in the ticket, I just pointed in the direction of the train.

ハリーポッターに出て来る魔法界行きのホームみたいに、一番ホームの端から幅の狭いホームが 延長してあって、さしずめ1・2/3ホームってとこですか?

Like the platform for the Wizarding World in Harry Potter, the narrowest platform extends from the end of the first platform, making it 1/2/3rd platform? There was a cute diesel locomotive and four passenger cars on the 70cm wide rail.


When I looked closely, it was made in Japan, and it seems to be the same train as the Oigawa Railway in Shizuoka Prefecture.

機関車の中を見ると操作盤の上に家庭用のルームエアコンが装備されています。出発地が亜熱帯 と言う事で運転手の環境にも考慮してあるようです。

When you look inside the locomotive, you will see that a household room air conditioner is installed above the control panel. Since the departure point is in the subtropics, it seems that the driver’s environment has been taken into account.

客車には冷房機と トイレが付いています。一列、2席+1席 で全席指定です。

さて70km、3.5時間の森林鉄道の始まりです。 時速30キロくらいでユックリ走るのですが、揺れはインディージョーンズのトロッコ(想像) みたいに凄く揺れました。

The passenger car has an air conditioner and his toilet. All seats are reserved in one row, 2 seats + 1 seat. Now it’s the beginning of the 70km, 3.5 hour forest railway. It was moving at about 30km/h, but it was shaking so much that it looked like Indiana Jones’ trolley (imagine it).



Once you get out of the city area, you will be greeted by the peaceful scenery of a tropical country, and after about an hour, you will start to feel like you are climbing.

途中ループ式で3回転とスイッチバック式を二回、その他多数のカーブとトンネルを通りながら 阿里山に向かいます。その間10駅くらい停まりました。途中犬も乗って来ました。

Along the way, you will make three loops, two switchbacks, and many other curves and tunnels as you head towards Alishan. During that time, the train stopped at about 10 stations. A dog also came along on the way.


Is it parallel to the railroad tracks? Many mountain trails or walking trails were seen near stations.

トンネル入口には 標高が書いてあり高度が分かる仕組みです。この辺まで来ると杉やヒノキが目立ってきて日本的 な景色、谷向こうに見える山も断崖絶壁の凄そうな山です。

The altitude is written at the entrance of the tunnel so that you can know the altitude. As you get to this point, the cedar and cypress trees start to stand out, creating a very Japanese-style scenery, and the mountains visible beyond the valley are also impressive-looking mountains with sheer cliffs.

中間地点付近の奮起湖という駅で、名物駅弁を買いましたが酷い揺れで半分酔払っていたので、 食べるのはお預け、隣で美味しそうに食べるお嬢さんに美味しい?と聞くとニッコリ笑って 「最高よ!何で食べないの?」って言われました。このお嬢さんは、おばぁちゃんと二人旅で 一泊して次の日に御来光(日の出)を見るとのことでした。私達の無計画な旅とはかなり違いますね。

I bought a famous ekiben at a station called Bokiko near the halfway point, but I was half drunk from the terrible shaking, so I decided to leave it to eat and ask the young lady next to me who was eating it deliciously to ask me if it was delicious. When I asked him about it, he smiled and said, “It’s great! Why aren’t you eating it?” This young lady was traveling with her grandmother and was planning to stay overnight and see the sunrise the next day. It’s quite different from our unplanned trips.

一つ目のスイッチバックであることの表示看板とその近くに在る、倒れた古木。かなりの 大木だったみたいです。

12時30分頃いよいよ、阿里山駅に到着。これまで青空だった天気が少し怪しくなって来て 近くの食堂で昼ご飯を食べてる間に見る見る曇って何時しか雲の中みたいになったのです。 これでは散策して景色を見ることもままならないので、2時のバスで下山する事にしました。

We finally arrived at Alishan Station around 12:30. The weather, which had always been blue, started to look a little strange, and while I was eating lunch at a nearby restaurant, it suddenly became cloudy and looked like it was inside the clouds. This made it impossible to take a walk and see the scenery, so I decided to take the 2 o’clock bus down the mountain.

売店広場の上の方に見える木造建築の骨組みは地震で壊れた駅の修復中らしいです、我々が下車した 駅は仮設の駅だったみたいです。

The framework of the wooden building visible above the shop plaza appears to be a station that was destroyed in an earthquake and is currently being repaired, and the station where we got off seems to have been a temporary one.

このバスは、かなりのスピードで山道を下って行きました。おかげで又酔払いました。途中 阿里山の名物、お茶畑を撮りましたがチョットブレ気味ですね。 嘉義駅まで土砂降りの雨の中を二時間半で走り、嘉義から台中に戻るのもバスにしました。 ところが高速道路は中秋節の帰り車で少し渋滞気味でホテルに戻ったのは9時頃、 14時間のミニ旅行が終わりました。お疲れ様でした。 シンクーラー。

This bus went down the mountain road at a considerable speed. Thanks to you, I got sober again. On the way, I took some pictures of Alishan’s famous tea fields, but they were a bit blurry. It took us two and a half hours to get to Chiayi Station in the pouring rain, and we also took a bus from Chiayi back to Taichung. However, the expressway was a little congested as I was returning from the Mid-Autumn Festival, so I returned to the hotel around 9am, the end of my 14-hour mini-trip. thank you for your hard work.

歯  医  者 (2005年9月下旬)

歯石を取りに、歯医者さんに行きました。こっちの歯医者は夜11時頃までやっていて、働く人 にとっては大変助かります。玄関はチョット変わってます見ての通り、靴を玄関の扉の外側に 脱ぎます。それから、治療は椅子ではなくほぼ平らです。

Dental doctor (late September 2005) I went to the dentist to get tartar removed. The dentist here is open until around 11pm, which is very helpful for working people. The entrance is a little different.As you can see, I take off my shoes outside the front door. Then the treatment is almost flat, not a chair. I removed tartar and found cavities, so I had them treated. The cost for two cavities was about 8,400 yen.

それから、治療台の横に、うがい装置が無いのでチョット不便です。治療が終わって 流しで、うがいをするのです。

Also, there is no gargling device next to the treatment table, which is a bit inconvenient. After the treatment, gargle in the sink.

休日の潰し方 (2005年10月上旬)

市内バスに乗って、何処か知らない所へ行こうという志を持つオジサン三人が、日曜日に集まり、ホテル横のバス停から乗り込む。それにのって台中駅で下車。持っていた 地図で一番山に近い所へ行こうという事になり、其処に行くべくバス停でジュースを飲みながら 30分ほど待つとバスが 来た。

How to kill a holiday (early October 2005) Three old men who want to ride a city bus to somewhere unknown gather on Sundays and board the bus from the bus stop next to the hotel. Take it and get off at Taichung Station. He decided to go to the place closest to the mountain based on the map he had, so he waited for about 30 minutes at the bus stop while drinking juice, and then the bus arrived.


I pointed the map to the driver, put the money he said into the fare box, and in about 30 minutes we arrived at the station. As I was walking aimlessly, I noticed a sign that said Kijo Coffee-za.

皆で珈琲を飲もうと言う事になり、歩き出した。道は山に向かって登り坂、秋の太陽と言えども南国、 ジリジリと暑い。看板が100メートル毎に電柱に現れる、その度に吸い寄せられるように 足が動く。もう駄目と諦め かけた時、それが置き看板に変わり目的地の近さを予感させたので、またまた足が動き坂道を上っていく。 過ぎる車のチョット冷ややか目線を感じつつ、珈琲を飲みたいという 行動に駆られ歩き続けた。

We all decided to have some coffee and started walking. The road climbs uphill toward the mountains, and even though it’s an autumn sun, it’s still hot and humid in a tropical country. Signs appear on telephone poles every 100 meters, and each time my legs move as if being drawn to them. Just when I was about to give up, the sign turned into a sign, giving me a sense of the proximity of my destination, so my legs moved again and I started up the hill. Feeling the cold stares of passing cars, I continued walking, motivated by the desire to drink coffee.

目の前が少し開けた時、それらしき建物が見えた。足が少し速やまり、 前まで行くと店は休業だった。一同ガッカリする。 リュックの中を、まさぐると古いガムが在ったので、皆で口に入れ気持ちを紛らしながら 下山、麓に着いてジュース屋で喉を癒す。 さり気無い店がオアシスに見えた。
その後バスで逆戻りする。この日10時から夜18時までの時間が潰れた。 収穫はバスで駅まで行く手段が分かった事。 今まではタクシーのみだったのが、たった20元(70円)で駅まで行ける事に感動した。

When my eyes opened a little, I saw a building that looked like that. My pace slowed a little, and when I got to the front, the store was closed. We are all disappointed. When we rummaged through our backpacks, we found some old gum, so we all put it in our mouths to distract ourselves.We headed down the mountain, arrived at the foot of the mountain, and soothed our throats at a juice shop. The nondescript store looked like an oasis. Then take the bus back. On this day, the hours from 10:00 to 18:00 were closed. The good news is that I now know how to get to the station by bus. I was impressed that I could go to the station for only 20 yuan (70 yen), whereas up until now I had only taken a taxi.

酒工場見学 (2005年11月上旬)

台中に酒工場があることを知り日曜日に仕事仲間と出掛けました。最近覚えたバスに乗って近くの バス停で降り、コンビニで道を聞くと五分くらいと言われて歩くことにした。ところが、車で五分だったらしく、一時間ほど歩いてようやく到着した。到着後は試飲に 励んで、大生ビールを飲んで一服してタクシーで 帰りました。

Sake factory tour (early November 2005) I found out that there was a liquor factory in Taichung, so I went there with my co-workers on Sunday. I took a bus that I had recently learned about, got off at his bus stop nearby, and when I asked for directions at a convenience store, I was told it would take about 5 minutes, so I decided to walk. However, it seemed like it was only a five-minute drive, but we finally arrived after walking for about an hour. After arriving, we sampled some beer, drank a large draft beer, took a breather, and then took a taxi home.

果物? パート6 (2005年11月上旬)

名前は菱角(リンチャオ)といいます。味と言うか食感は栗に近いです。 でも、採れる場所は水の中で、植物の根っ子らしいです。見ての通り鼻髭みたいな形で、 何ともユーモラスな形をしています。後で仕事場の人に聞いたら日本では菱(ひし)と言うらしいです。 私は初めて食べました。

fruit? Part 6 (early November 2005) I wrote it as fruit, but I don’t know the genre. His name is Ling Chao. The taste and texture are similar to chestnuts. However, it can be found in water, from the roots of plants. As you can see, it’s shaped like a mustache, which is quite humorous. Later, I asked someone at work and they told me that in Japan it’s called Hishi. I ate it for the first time.


ウォーキング (2005年11月中旬)

今日はホテルから車で30分位の所にある大坑に行きました。午後4時過ぎに到着し近くの 小山の上にあるお寺までのウォーキングをしました。健脚なら20分、私のような怠惰脚は40分 の登りと20分の下りのコースでした。この辺はこういったコースが三つ位あるみたいで、その中の 一番ショートコースだったそうです。歩き終わると汗だくだったので麒麟温泉という所で汗を流した後、地鶏料理 を食べて帰りました。 (写真は無いです)

Walking (mid-November 2005) Today I went to Taiken, which is about 30 minutes by car from the hotel. We arrived around 4pm and walked to a temple on top of a nearby hill. It was a 20 minute course for those with strong legs, and a 40 minute climb and 20 minute descent for lazy legs like me. There seem to be three such courses in this area, and it was the shortest course among them. After walking, I was drenched in sweat, so I went to a place called Kirin Onsen to sweat, then ate local chicken cuisine before heading home. (There is no photo)

仕事の終わり (2005年11月下旬)

今回の工事は終わり日本に帰る事になりました。現場は液晶テレビ用の画面部分を作る工場 でしたが、稼動状態での機械の工事は作業時間も少なくて思うような作業が出来ず、現場に残るメンテナンス 部隊に引継ぎ書を書いて託した所も多々ありました。でも今回は、電気の仕事が出来ない時は他の部門 (機械、調整)の手伝いを興味深くやることができて、自分にとって勉強になりました。

End of work (late November 2005) The construction work is now complete and I will be returning to Japan. The site was a factory that makes screen parts for LCD televisions, but since there was little time to work on the machinery while it was in operation, the work could not be completed as expected, so a handover letter was written to the maintenance team remaining at the site. There were many. However, this time, when I couldn’t do electrical work, I was able to help out in other departments (mechanical, adjustment), which was a learning experience for me. Introduction of local factories. ​ Furthermore, outside of work, I received so much kindness from the local people that I cannot express my gratitude.