熊野三山巡り Kumano Sanzan tour



I visited Kumano Sanzan on a day trip bus tour.


The first place I went to was Kumano Hongu Taisha. After climbing 158 steps, there was the main shrine. Since uploading to SNS is prohibited inside the main shrine, I will use the photo from the explanation.


I took a photo in front of the gate.


The main shrine was originally located in the middle of the Kumano River that flows through this area, and when it was damaged by a flood in 1889, the remaining shrine was relocated to a higher location and took on its current form.

黒いポストがありました。 There was a black mailbox.

ポストの上には足が3本のヤタガラスが飾ってあります。Above the post is a three-legged Yatagarasu.


At the end of the year, I look back on this year and express it with a single kanji character. At Motomiya, we predict the next year using a single kanji character. 2024 is all about luck.



After the visit, I went to the site of the original company. Beyond the torii gate in the background is the site of the main shrine. By the way, that torii is said to be the largest torii in Japan.

2番目に訪れたのは、新宮市に在る 熊野速玉大社です。巨岩への信仰が原点の社屋は朱色が鮮やかでした。

The second place I visited was Kumano Hayatama Taisha in Shingu City. The company building, which originated from the belief in giant rocks, was a bright vermilion color.


Third, we saw Nachi Falls. It is a large waterfall with a height of 133 meters.

滝が頭に掛かっているようですね。 It looks like a waterfall is hanging on your head.


The fourth shrine, Kumano Nachi Taisha, was visited by climbing up about 400 steps.

一番上の鳥居です。 This is the top torii.



From the precincts here, you can see Nachi Falls from a distance and have a nice view. The good thing about this tour is that you can visit three mountains in one day, and it was a trip where the good footwork that can only be achieved by bus shines through.

天理市 Tenri City


妻の出身大学の天理大学とその周辺に遊びに行った。I went to visit his wife’s alma mater, Tenri University, and its surrounding area.

先ずは 天理教の本部を見学しました。立派な木造建築でした。妻の同窓生が案内してくれました。First, we toured the Tenrikyo headquarters. It was a fine wooden structure. My wife’s alumni showed us around.

イチョウ並木の紅葉も最高でした。The autumn leaves of the ginkgo trees were also spectacular.

これは天理大学の図書館で、もうじき有形文化財になるそうです。日本各所の大学図書館ではありえないほどの蔵書数が保管されているらしい。This is Tenri University’s library, and it will soon become a tangible cultural property. It seems that university libraries in various parts of Japan have an unimaginable number of books stored there.


一日では回り切れないので、また訪れたい所です。The reading room looked like something out of Harry Potter. It’s a place I’d like to visit again, as I can’t visit it all in one day.

出雲大社 (2023.9.25)Izumo Taisha Shrine

日帰りバスツアーでは最も遠い所でした。遠いだけに2人ドライバーでした。It was the farthest place on the day trip bus tour. Since it was far away, there were two drivers.

出雲大社の近くの島根ワイナリーで昼食を食べて13時30分頃に到着しました。We had lunch at Shimane Winery near Izumo Taisha Shrine and arrived around 1:30 p.m.

途中 雲行き怪しく雨がポツポツと来ていましたが青空に変わりました。On the way, the clouds were cloudy and it was raining here and there, but the sky turned blue.

全国でも珍しい下り参道です。This is a downhill approach that is rare in Japan.

参道の右を歩いて進みます。真ん中は八百万の神々が通るらしくソコは横切ってもいけないそうです。Walk to the right of the approach. It seems that Yaoyorozu Gods pass through the middle, so they are not allowed to cross that part.

拝殿でお参りをしました。全国で3か所(2礼4拍手1礼)の拝礼手順でお参りしました。I prayed at the shrine. I prayed at three locations across the country (two bows, four claps, one bow).

本殿を横から見る View of the main shrine from the side


This is the hotel during the season when 8 million gods from all over the country gather and discuss in October. Apparently all the doors here will open in October. There are two rowhouses about 30 meters long on either side of the main shrine.

日本で一番大きな国旗らしいです。ポールの高さは24メートルで畳48枚?の面積だそうです。It seems to be the largest national flag in Japan. The height of the pole is 24 meters and 48 tatami mats? It seems that the area is .

元々出雲大社には神主様は二人制だったところを明治時代?に一人にされたらしく、もう一人の神主様が大社の隣に北島国造館を作ったという事です。ガイドさんに小声で教えられて見学しました。Originally, there were two priests at Izumo Taisha Shrine, but in the Meiji era? It seems that he was left alone, and another priest built the Kitajima Kokuzokan next to the shrine. We toured the area with the guide whispering to us.



I probably shouldn’t compare them, but the rope is also smaller. We headed back home around 4:30 p.m. I arrived at Osaka Station around 9:30pm.

岡山日帰りツアー (2023.9.17)Okayama day tour

神庭(かんば)の滝と備中鍾乳穴の二か所を見学しました。早めの昼食を済ませて、初めに神庭(かんば)の滝へ We toured two places: Kanba Falls and Bicchu Stalactite Cave. After an early lunch, we headed to Kanba Falls.

滝に近づくにつれて天然クラーが効いていて涼しかったです。As we got closer to the waterfall, the natural cooler was effective and it was cool.

滝のマイナスイオンを浴びながら水を触って2~3分子供に帰りました。I touched the water for a few minutes, bathing in the negative ions from the waterfall, and went back to my kids.

次に備中鍾乳穴に行き30分位洞窟内を見学しました。写真は撮ってないのですが、ここも入り口付近から かなり涼しいと言うか寒い感じがして持って行ったジャンパーを着て見学しました。



Next, we went to Bitchu Cave and toured the cave for about 30 minutes. I didn’t take any photos, but from near the entrance he noticed that it was quite cool, or rather, it felt cold, so he put on the jumper he had brought with him and took a tour. The iron stairs and passageways inside the cave were rusty and looked like they were aging. The all-you-can-eat grapes for lunch dessert was sweet and delicious. There were three types: Shine Muscat, Momotaro, and Pione + pineapple.

天草旅行(熊本県)2023.8.2~8.4 Amakusa trip


魚が大変旨い所でした。写真撮るの忘れて食べてしまいました。I went to Amakusa where my cousin lives. It was a place where the fish was very delicious. I forgot to take a photo and ended up eating it.

遊覧船で海の散歩。半貸し切り状態で船長さんとお話しながらのクルーは楽しかったです。Walk on the sea on a pleasure boat. It was fun to be a part of the crew while chatting with the captain in a semi-chartered state.

津崎教会隠れキリシタンが多く居た地域が世界遺産になっていました。ステンドグラスが綺麗でした。Tsuzaki Church The area where many Hidden Christians lived has become a World Heritage Site. The stained glass was beautiful.

ホテルに戻ってホテルの前の海で妻と泳ぎました。3メートルくらいの流木に捕まって遊ぶ童心に帰った我が居ました。I went back to the hotel and swam with his wife in the sea in front of the hotel. There I was, feeling like a child playing with a piece of driftwood that was about 3 meters tall.

最終日、熊本市内の水前寺公園です。抹茶と和菓子を頂きました。On the last day, we visited Suizenji Park in Kumamoto City. I received matcha and Japanese sweets.

次に阿蘇に向かいながら、赤牛丼を食べて(一時間弱並ぶ)Next, while heading to Aso, we ate red beef bowl (we waited in line for less than an hour).

阿蘇 草千里を見て空港に向かいました。2泊3日のミニ旅行楽しかったです。I saw Aso Kusasenri and headed to the airport. It was a fun mini trip for 3 days and 2 nights.