終の棲家さがし Searching for a final home



I live in Sumiyoshi Ward, Osaka, but is this the right place to live? I am asking myself questions and asking questions with my wife. Candidate locations include Miyazaki, Amakusa, and Wakayama, places with beautiful and warm ocean views.

白浜大浜海水浴場からの日の出|Shirahama Ohama Beach Sunrise
白浜大浜海水浴場からの日の出|Shirahama Ohama Beach Sunrise

考えなければならない事は、南海トラフ地震(32mの津波)、温暖化による水害や土砂崩れ、高齢による医療機関への通院 などです。つづく。

Things we need to think about include the Nankai Trough Earthquake (32m tsunami), flood damage and landslides due to global warming, and visits to medical institutions due to aging.