天草旅行(熊本県)2023.8.2~8.4 Amakusa trip


魚が大変旨い所でした。写真撮るの忘れて食べてしまいました。I went to Amakusa where my cousin lives. It was a place where the fish was very delicious. I forgot to take a photo and ended up eating it.

遊覧船で海の散歩。半貸し切り状態で船長さんとお話しながらのクルーは楽しかったです。Walk on the sea on a pleasure boat. It was fun to be a part of the crew while chatting with the captain in a semi-chartered state.

津崎教会隠れキリシタンが多く居た地域が世界遺産になっていました。ステンドグラスが綺麗でした。Tsuzaki Church The area where many Hidden Christians lived has become a World Heritage Site. The stained glass was beautiful.

ホテルに戻ってホテルの前の海で妻と泳ぎました。3メートルくらいの流木に捕まって遊ぶ童心に帰った我が居ました。I went back to the hotel and swam with his wife in the sea in front of the hotel. There I was, feeling like a child playing with a piece of driftwood that was about 3 meters tall.

最終日、熊本市内の水前寺公園です。抹茶と和菓子を頂きました。On the last day, we visited Suizenji Park in Kumamoto City. I received matcha and Japanese sweets.

次に阿蘇に向かいながら、赤牛丼を食べて(一時間弱並ぶ)Next, while heading to Aso, we ate red beef bowl (we waited in line for less than an hour).

阿蘇 草千里を見て空港に向かいました。2泊3日のミニ旅行楽しかったです。I saw Aso Kusasenri and headed to the airport. It was a fun mini trip for 3 days and 2 nights.