岡山日帰りツアー (2023.9.17)Okayama day tour

神庭(かんば)の滝と備中鍾乳穴の二か所を見学しました。早めの昼食を済ませて、初めに神庭(かんば)の滝へ We toured two places: Kanba Falls and Bicchu Stalactite Cave. After an early lunch, we headed to Kanba Falls.

滝に近づくにつれて天然クラーが効いていて涼しかったです。As we got closer to the waterfall, the natural cooler was effective and it was cool.

滝のマイナスイオンを浴びながら水を触って2~3分子供に帰りました。I touched the water for a few minutes, bathing in the negative ions from the waterfall, and went back to my kids.

次に備中鍾乳穴に行き30分位洞窟内を見学しました。写真は撮ってないのですが、ここも入り口付近から かなり涼しいと言うか寒い感じがして持って行ったジャンパーを着て見学しました。



Next, we went to Bitchu Cave and toured the cave for about 30 minutes. I didn’t take any photos, but from near the entrance he noticed that it was quite cool, or rather, it felt cold, so he put on the jumper he had brought with him and took a tour. The iron stairs and passageways inside the cave were rusty and looked like they were aging. The all-you-can-eat grapes for lunch dessert was sweet and delicious. There were three types: Shine Muscat, Momotaro, and Pione + pineapple.