(2024.11.15) (11.20) (11.30) (12.7) (12.9)(12.12)(12.21)(12.23)
増設作業は知人(この家の主人)との共同作業になります。The expansion work will be a joint effort with an acquaintance (the owner of this house).
The half-size cloakroom in the center of the photo on the second floor will be used as a toilet. We also decided to use the storage space under the stairs next to it.
右の扉がクローク です。The door on the right is the cloakroom.
中は半畳のクロークになっています。Inside is a half-size cloakroom.
階段下収納間の壁を取外して 階段下収納を35cm利用します。Remove the wall between the under-stair storage areas and use 35 cm of the under-stair storage.
半畳ではかなり狭かったけど これで足元のスペースを確保できたと思います。階段下収納に感謝します。
Half a tatami mat was quite narrow, but I think this has secured some space for our feet. I’m grateful for the under-stair storage.
この便器を設置します。床排水は大変なので 壁排水を採用しました。つづく
Install this toilet bowl. Floor drainage is too difficult, so wall drainage is used. To be continued
照明と換気扇のスイッチそれからコンセントを取付け クッションフロワーを張りました。
I installed the switches for the lighting ventilation fan and outlet and laid the cushion flooring.
排水管を取付け壁の穴開け位置を決めて Temporarily place the toilet bowl and decide its position.
外壁に穴を開けました。Drilled a hole in the exterior wall.
We will cover it with rags until the next construction. To be continued
前回開けた孔に塩ビ管を取付けて 換気と水道の穴を追加しました。 I installed a PVC pipe in the previously drilled hole and made openings for ventilation and water supply.
外はこんな感じです。 This is how it looks outside.
拡大写真 左の穴は排水 右の大きい穴は換気 小さい穴は水道です。つづく
Close-up photo: The left is the drainage hole, the large one on the right is the ventilation hole, and the small one is for water supply.To be continued.
本日は排水管への接続工事の日です。Today is the day for the connection work to the drainage pipe.
The task involves connecting the drainage pipe from the second-floor toilet to the existing drainage pipe buried 40 cm underground. We decided to outsource this work as we determined it was too difficult for amateur DIY.
地面下はこの様な配管になりました。This is how the piping looks underground.
私達が壁から出した配管に接続完了です。The connection to the pipe we extended from the wall is complete.
掘った土を被せて地面下も完了し 何時でも排水を流せる状態になりました。After covering the dug-up soil, the underground work is complete, and the drainage system is now ready for use at any time.
The rest depends on the efforts of the two of us DIY enthusiasts. The pressure is on. To be continued…
本日は階段下収納とトイレ間の壁下地を作って Today, I built the wall framing between the under-stairs storage and the toilet.
I installed the ventilation and water pipes inside that wall. To be continued.
本日の作業は 水道管の外配管を繋ぎ 配管に凍結防止用断熱材の取り付けです。Today’s task is to connect the external water pipes and install insulation to prevent freezing
横引きは給湯器まで6メートル 配管は地中配管にしました The horizontal piping extends 6 meters to the water heater, and the piping was installed underground.
配管が終わった所はパイプを土で埋めます The areas where the piping is completed will be buried with soil.
給湯器の下まで配管が出来ました The piping has been completed up to the water heater.
給湯器の給水元栓を閉めて分岐用部品を取付けてトイレの水を貰います。Close the main water supply valve to the water heater, install the branching component, and use the water from the toilet
凍結防止断熱材を取付けました I have installed the insulation to prevent freezing.
給湯器下の配管を地中に埋めます I will bury the piping under the water heater underground.
二階への縦配管にも凍結防止用断熱材を取付けました I have also installed insulation to prevent freezing on the vertical piping to the second floor.
こんな感じです Something like this.
便器の背面の壁を取付けて クロスを貼りました(作業はこの家の御主人が実施) The wall behind the toilet was installed and wallpapered (the homeowner did the work).
この壁は便器を固定すると作業出来なくなるので 先に作業しました。つづく
This wall was installed first because it would be difficult to work on once the toilet was fixed. To be continued.
換気扇とコンセントを取付けました installed a ventilation fan and an electrical outlet
横壁の下地を作り壁を張って Build the framework for the side wall and attach the wall panels
I embedded the switch and the electrical outlet. To be continued.
本日の作業は 排水管と便器の接続、便器の固定、便器の組立てです。Today’s tasks are connecting the drain pipe and toilet, securing the toilet, and assembling the toilet.
接着剤で排水管の最終接続をします I will make the final connection of the drain pipe using adhesive.
繋がりました It is connected.
便器を床に固定します I will secure the toilet to the floor.
2本の専用ビスを使います I will use two special screws.
締め付け後に カバーを付けます After tightening, I will attach the cover
タンクを便器に取付け組み立てます I will attach and assemble the tank to the toilet.
水道に付属の止水栓を取付けて Attach the included shut-off valve to the water supply
付属ホースで水タンクに繋ぎます Connect it to the water tank using the included hose.
便座を取付けます I will attach the toilet seat.
ペーパーホルダーを壁に取付けて 作動試験と水漏れ点検をしてトイレは使用可能になりました 年内の作業は終わりです。以後夜中は2階トイレを使えるので 楽になりますね。
“I attached the paper holder to the wall, conducted an operational test and checked for water leaks, and the toilet is now ready for use. The work for this year is finished. From now on, we can use the upstairs toilet at night, which will be more convenient.
壁紙はご主人がDIYします。 つづく
The homeowner will DIY the wallpaper. To be continued.