クリスマス Christmas

2022年のクリスマスプレゼントを妻に貰いました。I received a Christmas present for 2022 from his wife.

中古の卓上スライド丸鋸です。とってもハッピーです。日曜大工に活躍してくれそうです。This is a used desk slide circular saw. I’m very happy. It seems to be useful for do-it-yourself carpentry.

これは今迄使用してい卓上丸鋸なんですがスライド機能がないため、不満がありました。と言っても2階フローリング全面張り替え時は大活躍してくれました。This is a tabletop circular saw that I have been using, but I was dissatisfied with it because it did not have a sliding function. Having said that, it was a great success when we replaced the entire flooring on the second floor.


昔の看板 old signboard

最近はあまり目にすることが無くなった昔の看板。ウオーキング中に見つけたので写真を撮りました。この看板は初めて見たので懐かしさは感じないのですが、レトロ感はありますね。An old signboard that you don’t see much these days. I found it while walking and took a photo. This is the first time I’ve seen this sign, so I don’t feel nostalgic, but it does have a retro feel to it.

ゆうちょデビットのたたり Japan Post Debit





ウィンドウズ エッジはどないしても、あきまへん!という事が判りました。


It was broken at the root. The reason why it broke the first time was because the inner diameter of the sleeve I installed was a little large and there was a lot of play. This time, I wrapped a copper plate between the sleeve and the pipe to reduce play. Another improvement was that the weight of the handle would cause it to drop and stop the water from flowing, so we reinstated the counterweight. I attached pieces of iron painted white with double-sided tape. Japan Post Debit

ウェブカメラ webcam


老犬の監視用にブラックフライデーに購入しました。1,700円でした。外出先でも状況が判るので助かります。そのうち私が監視される運命なのでしょうね。I bought this on Black Friday to monitor my elderly dog. It was 1,700 yen. It’s helpful because you can see the situation even when you’re out. I guess it’s my fate that I’ll be watched soon.

モンステラ救済 monstera



近所のお店で質問すると挿し木は葉っぱ2枚位という事でしたので1本だった株を途中で切って2本にして葉が2つついている状態にしてみました。I received a houseplant from a relative around August, but the leaves are wilting and not very active. The name is Monstera. When I asked a question at a local store, I was told that the cuttings had about 2 leaves, so I cut the 1 plant in the middle and made 2 plants with 2 leaves attached.



来年5月まで室内で育てます。I thinned out one leaf from the frontmost leaf and used it as a cutting (it didn’t work). It seems that this work is usually done from May to July, but what will happen next? I will grow it indoors until next May.