Mr.ドーナッツ手作り体験 (2023.8.12)Mr.Donuts

これはトッピング体験で2個作りました。I made two of these as a topping experience.

これは生地を伸ばして型抜きしたものを揚げて貰って、トッピングしました。For this, I rolled out the dough, cut it out, fried it, and topped it with toppings.

持ち帰り用の箱に好きな絵を書きます。次の日に甥っ子が遊びに来るので彼の名前を書きました。Draw your favorite picture on the take-home box. His nephew was coming to visit the next day, so I wrote his name down.


ミスドキッチン動画をどうぞ Check out the Missed Kitchen video

2Fフローリング出現 (2023.7.3)2F flooring appears



My old dog passed away at the end of last year, and when I tore out the carpet and cushion mats that were used to prevent his feet from slipping, the flooring came out. The DIY flooring is now showing its face for the first time in four and a half years.

無垢の杉材なので足の裏が凄く気持ち良いです。寝そべっても気持ちいいし、小さい部屋も広く見えます。The DIY flooring is now showing its face for the first time in four and a half years. Made of solid cedar wood, it feels great on the soles of your feet. It feels good even when you lie down.

イチゴ strawberry

2023年お隣さんから、もらった二つのイチゴの苗、2か月ほど前に植えたところメチャクチャ元気で沢山実を付けます。3年位前のイチゴは殆ど実らなかったので、依頼イチゴはプロに任せるべきと言う結論に達していましたが、その思いは消え去りました。I planted two strawberry seedlings that I received from my neighbor in 2023 about two months ago, and they are doing very well and are producing lots of fruit. About three years ago, most of the strawberries didn’t bear fruit, so I had come to the conclusion that I should leave the commissioned strawberries to the professionals, but that thought has disappeared.



They grow red one after another and change color no matter how many they are picked. I ate a few pieces this month. The homemade strawberry daifuku is delicious sandwiched between the daifuku mochi that my girlfriend’s wife bought at the store.

3F 引き戸 3F sliding door


先週、3階の引き戸に皮製の取っ手を取り付けたのですが、奥様のOKが出ず木製に変更しました。Last week, I installed a leather handle on the sliding door on the third floor, but my wife didn’t approve of it, so I changed it to a wooden handle.

このドアは様式ドアだったものをDIYで吊り引き戸に改造したもので、改造当時取っ手は、それこそ、とって付けたような物が付いていましたが、やっと それっぽい取っ手になりました。This door used to be a style door, but was converted into a hanging sliding door using DIY.At the time of the remodeling, the handle had been fitted with something that looked like it had been added, but he finally decided to make it look like that. I did.

ラジオ塔(2023.4.2)radio tower

住吉区のウオーキングに参加した時に知りました。地元の事って意外と知らないものですね。I learned about it when I participated in a walking tour of Sumiyoshi Ward. There are surprisingly many things you don’t know about your hometown.

日本で初めてのラジオ塔が住み用紙公園に在ります。説明は下の写真を見て下さい。Japan’s first radio tower lives in Paper Park. Please see the photo below for explanation.