令和6年の地震や豪雨災害の早い復興を願います。 私の趣味はDIYを楽しむ事 小さな物から大きな物まで修理や作成しています。 (写真:梅津正道隊員撮影) I wish for a swift recovery from the earthquake and heavy rain disasters of 2024. My hobby is enjoying DIY, repairing and creating things from small to large. (Photo: Taken by Masamichi Umezu)
I live in Sumiyoshi Ward, Osaka, but is this the right place to live? I am asking myself questions and asking questions with my wife. Candidate locations include Miyazaki, Amakusa, and Wakayama, places with beautiful and warm ocean views.
Things we need to think about include the Nankai Trough Earthquake (32m tsunami), flood damage and landslides due to global warming, and visits to medical institutions due to aging.
日帰りバスツアーでは最も遠い所でした。遠いだけに2人ドライバーでした。It was the farthest place on the day trip bus tour. Since it was far away, there were two drivers.
出雲大社の近くの島根ワイナリーで昼食を食べて13時30分頃に到着しました。We had lunch at Shimane Winery near Izumo Taisha Shrine and arrived around 1:30 p.m.
途中 雲行き怪しく雨がポツポツと来ていましたが青空に変わりました。On the way, the clouds were cloudy and it was raining here and there, but the sky turned blue.
全国でも珍しい下り参道です。This is a downhill approach that is rare in Japan.
参道の右を歩いて進みます。真ん中は八百万の神々が通るらしくソコは横切ってもいけないそうです。Walk to the right of the approach. It seems that Yaoyorozu Gods pass through the middle, so they are not allowed to cross that part.
拝殿でお参りをしました。全国で3か所(2礼4拍手1礼)の拝礼手順でお参りしました。I prayed at the shrine. I prayed at three locations across the country (two bows, four claps, one bow).
This is the hotel during the season when 8 million gods from all over the country gather and discuss in October. Apparently all the doors here will open in October. There are two rowhouses about 30 meters long on either side of the main shrine.
日本で一番大きな国旗らしいです。ポールの高さは24メートルで畳48枚?の面積だそうです。It seems to be the largest national flag in Japan. The height of the pole is 24 meters and 48 tatami mats? It seems that the area is .
元々出雲大社には神主様は二人制だったところを明治時代?に一人にされたらしく、もう一人の神主様が大社の隣に北島国造館を作ったという事です。ガイドさんに小声で教えられて見学しました。Originally, there were two priests at Izumo Taisha Shrine, but in the Meiji era? It seems that he was left alone, and another priest built the Kitajima Kokuzokan next to the shrine. We toured the area with the guide whispering to us.
I probably shouldn’t compare them, but the rope is also smaller. We headed back home around 4:30 p.m. I arrived at Osaka Station around 9:30pm.