
harshahars / Pixabay


初めての脳ドック First brain checkup

H29年1月5日にMRIを受けて来ました。15分程で終わりました。痛くもかゆくも無く、只少し騒々しいです。ヘッドフォーンを着用しますが、音がうるさいですね。それでも後の三分の一は寝てしまいました。(笑い)I received an MRI on January 5, 2019. It was over in about 15 minutes. It’s not painful or itchy, just a little noisy. I’m wearing headphones, but the sound is too loud. Still, I fell asleep the last third of the time. (laughs)

チョット一休み Take a short break

授業で使用しているファントム4は安定し過ぎていて面白くありません、前後左右に暴れる方がやりがいがあります。これを授業に使おうかな?Change your mood with the smallest drone made in Japan. It will refresh your mind. The Phantom 4 we use in class is too stable and not fun, and it’s more rewarding to be able to move around backwards, forwards, left and right. Should I use this for class?

ドローン練習 drone practice

最後にペーパー試験もありました。まだまだ、ひよっこパイロットなので経験を積まないといけません。October 20th was the last day of the course. I also flew an aircraft called Inspire, but unfortunately I don’t have any photos. The Inspire has legs that come down when it lands, which is kind of cool. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgvsUkAqbac There was also a paper exam at the end. I’m still a young pilot, so I need to gain experience.

  • 13日の講習訓練の復習をしてきました。最後の講習は20日にあり、ペーパー試験があるそうです。I reviewed the course training on the 13th. The last course will be on the 20th, and there will be a paper exam.



  • 空飛ぶ凶器になり得るので、対人対物保険に加入しました。それから自動車で言うところの車両保険にも加入したいと思います。
  • 2回目の講習は10月13日です。それまでは、自主勉強です取説読んだり室内フライト訓練をしてます。フライトは教室がメインで、先日壁と接触してプロペラを2枚折りました。Since it could become a flying weapon, I purchased personal and property insurance. I would also like to take out car insurance. The second training session will be held on October 13th. Until then, I am studying on my own by reading the instruction manual and doing indoor flight training. The main flight was in a classroom, and the other day I made contact with a wall and broke two propellers.
  • 後期スタート
    • 9月26日から後期がスタートします。新しい科目のドローンを担当することになりました。どうなる事でしょう? 機体購入時の講習が全3回行われます。
      これは一回目の講習で、約2時間の座学と30分の実技(フライト)でした。フライト練習場までは車で40分。フライトは日の出から日没までの制限の中で実施しなければなりません。何だか南極みたいですが、日没が迫る中慌ただしい講習でした。The second half starts on September 26th. I will be in charge of a new subject, drones. What will happen? A total of 3 training sessions will be held when purchasing the aircraft. This is the beginning of the usual bicycle operation. This was the first course, and consisted of about 2 hours of lecture and 30 minutes of practical training (flight). It is a 40 minute drive to the flight practice area. Flights must be conducted within sunrise to sunset restrictions. It kind of looked like Antarctica, but we had a hectic class as the sun was approaching.



講習は機能不全に陥った際に手動で帰還出来る技量を習得することを目的としています。The flight is very stable and I don’t think I will crash even on my first time. Infrared controlled helicopters are much more difficult. It’s no exaggeration to say that the aircraft is packed with high functionality, so everything is left to the machines. Usually, it is designed to ensure the stability of the aircraft using obstacle sensors, automatic hovering, barometric altitude sensors, sonic altitude sensors, visual sensors, GPS signals, etc. so that you can concentrate on shooting. There is also communication between the aircraft and the iPad attached to the radio, and the aircraft status is displayed on the iPad at all times. The purpose of the course is to acquire the skills to manually return the machine in the event of a malfunction.

2016.08 高野山に Koyasan


I went with my wife. It’s about 8 hours of leisurely walking. I ate vegetarian cuisine for lunch. It was my second time and I really enjoyed it.