実験装置に扉(学校) Door to experimental equipment (school)


When maintaining the alternator experimental equipment, I always had to remove 12 screws to open the left panel. Since it was inefficient, I modified it to a door type so that it could be opened immediately.


Opening the new door. There are two drive belts inside.


Previously, I had to remove 12 bolts for inspection.

突然日本語入力ができなくなった 2016.04  Suddenly I can no longer input Japanese.


While making adjustments to WIN7, the Japanese input on the taskbar suddenly disappeared and I was no longer able to input Japanese. After much trial and error and searching, I finally found the following. http://mfu.hatenablog.jp/entry/20090701/1246433042

パソコン用UPSがダウン 2016.03 UPS for PC

UPSはSANWA UPS-650Dという機種でマニアルを読むとメーカーに送るか買い直すように書いてありました。

The UPS has been making beeping noises for about 3 months, but last week the output power went out and it stopped responding at all even when I turned the main power switch on and off. The UPS is a model called SANWA UPS-650D, and when I read the manual, it said to either send it to the manufacturer or buy a new one. As an electrician, I thought it was a strange manual act, but when I opened the bottom cover, two batteries came out, so I removed them and measured the voltage, and found that one was 0V and the other was 4V, indicating that they were at the end of their lifespan. The rating is 6V, 12AH. I searched on the internet and found a 12V, 12AH one with the exact same dimensions, so I bought it, installed it, and it worked perfectly again.

最近ウィンドウズ ビスタのサポート打ち切り Windows Vista support discontinued


  • 私のノートPCは7,8年前に買ったものですがOSのvistaのサポートが切れるというメッセージがやたらと出ます。マイクロソフト社もサポーをやめるらしくどうしようかと悩んでました。



I bought my laptop 7 or 8 years ago, but I keep getting messages that support for the Vista OS is ending. I was wondering what to do since Microsoft seems to be discontinuing support. When I saw a teacher at school upgrading his personal PC to Windows 7 to Windows 7, I decided to do the same. I happened to have WIN7 installed on my homebrew machine No. 6, so I used that board to upgrade my notebook to version 7. The work was completed successfully, and I wrote this article on that laptop. It moves quite comfortably. I’m glad I worked on it. I was able to do the work with peace of mind as I was able to find many detailed instructions by searching. Also, the fact that my laptop had slightly higher specs for video editing may have helped it run smoothly. 2020 Support for this PC Windows 7 has also been discontinued. I tried upgrading to Windows 10, but I can’t install it.