令和6年の地震や豪雨災害の早い復興を願います。 私の趣味はDIYを楽しむ事 小さな物から大きな物まで修理や作成しています。 (写真:梅津正道隊員撮影) I wish for a swift recovery from the earthquake and heavy rain disasters of 2024. My hobby is enjoying DIY, repairing and creating things from small to large. (Photo: Taken by Masamichi Umezu)
Move the router and modem to the location where they were installed. A new power outlet and telephone outlet have also been installed directly below the shelf.
This is the beginning of my second life. It’s like an extension of my wandering life, so I’m going to move forward without rushing and thinking carefully.
10年以上前の写真で記憶が殆どなくなっていて詳しい説明が出来ませんがお許しください。I was cleaning out my hard disk and found some photos from Shanxi Province that I went to a long time ago, so I’m going to upload them. The purpose of the trip was to visit my daughter’s study abroad destination. Please forgive me for not being able to give a detailed explanation as the photo was taken over 10 years ago and my memory is mostly gone.
飛行機を北京で乗り換えます。I will change planes in Beijing.
山西省の太原(ターユエン)空港に到着。Arrived at Taiyuan Airport in Shanxi Province.
山西の街の様子です。This is what the city of Shanxi looks like.
新しい高層ビルも在る。There are also new high-rise buildings.
屋上には太陽熱給湯器が載っています。日本では見なくなっています。There is a solar water heater on the roof.
私の職業柄気になる一枚を紹介します。これは電気の受電施設です。よく見ると竹を編んで壁が出来ています。I would like to introduce one of the photos that I am interested in because of my profession. This is an electricity receiving facility. If you look closely, you can see that the walls are made of woven bamboo.
これは道路に開いた穴、よく見るとマンホールの蓋が無くなっています。This is a hole in the road, and if you look closely you can see that the manhole cover is missing.
ここに落ちると大変なことになります。日本では考えられませんが蓋が盗まれている感じです。If you fall here, you will be in trouble. This is unthinkable in Japan, but it feels like the lid is being stolen.
お土産店 souvenir shop
観光もしました、お寺だと思います。We also did some sightseeing, I think a temple.
こちらもお寺です。This is also a temple.
鍋料理を食べました。I ate a hot pot dish.
これは娘が留学していた山西大学です。敷地面積は広いです。This is Shanxi University, where my daughter was studying abroad. The site area is large.
これは寮の部屋です。そこそこの広さでした。This is a dorm room. It was a decent size.
学生生活センターです。Student life center.
日本では考えられないですが、屋台村が大学敷地内に在って色んな物が買えます。Although it is unthinkable in Japan, there is a food stall village on the university grounds where you can buy various things.
飲食店が多数在りました。There were many restaurants.
工事もやっていますが、車が昭和初期のレトロな感じです。We are also doing construction work, but the cars have a retro feel from the early Showa era.
日本だったらこんな工事は夜間工事が普通だと思います。I think in Japan, construction like this would normally be done at night.
It’s Hoto Noodles. It looks delicious. It was a scenery that I couldn’t believe was on campus.
ハードディスクを整理していたら、F1を見に行った時の写真が出てきたのでアップします。When I was organizing my hard disk, I found some photos from when I went to see F1, so I’ll upload them.
サーキットは富士スピードウェイです。当時は鈴鹿開催が一般的でしたが2、3回富士で開催された時のものです。The circuit is Fuji Speedway. At that time, it was generally held in Suzuka, but it was held in Fuji two or three times.