令和6年の地震や豪雨災害の早い復興を願います。 私の趣味はDIYを楽しむ事 小さな物から大きな物まで修理や作成しています。 (写真:梅津正道隊員撮影) I wish for a swift recovery from the earthquake and heavy rain disasters of 2024. My hobby is enjoying DIY, repairing and creating things from small to large. (Photo: Taken by Masamichi Umezu)
Apparently, when the door shakes during an earthquake, it gets locked and the door won’t open, but when the shaking stops, the lock is released and the door opens when you pull it. I can’t confirm that it works though.
近所のお店で質問すると挿し木は葉っぱ2枚位という事でしたので1本だった株を途中で切って2本にして葉が2つついている状態にしてみました。I received a houseplant from a relative around August, but the leaves are wilting and not very active. The name is Monstera. When I asked a question at a local store, I was told that the cuttings had about 2 leaves, so I cut the 1 plant in the middle and made 2 plants with 2 leaves attached.
来年5月まで室内で育てます。I thinned out one leaf from the frontmost leaf and used it as a cutting (it didn’t work). It seems that this work is usually done from May to July, but what will happen next? I will grow it indoors until next May.
お盆に給水するためにベランダに出して、そのまま放置したところ直射日光あたってしまって葉が焼けてしまいました。葉っぱ二枚が写真の様になってしまいました。When I put it out on the balcony to water it and left it there, it was exposed to direct sunlight and the leaves got burnt. The two leaves looked like the photo.
新しく生えてきた根が鉢の外に伸びていたので、大きめの鉢に替えて根っこを中に入れました。つづく The newly grown roots were growing outside the pot, so I changed it to a larger pot and put the roots inside.