災害や事故が少ない年になりますように。May it be a year with fewer disasters and accidents.
クリスマス 2023 X,mas
ミニサイクロン集塵器 mini cyclone dust collector
追記更新 Additional update(12.4)(12.6) (12.8) (12.15) (12.17) (12.20)
小さな集塵器を作ってみました。I made a small dust collector.
非力な空気ポンプweak air pump
ペットボトルのタンク plastic bottle tank
The purpose of making it was to conduct an experiment to see if it could effectively collect the diatomaceous earth dust that is often found at part-time jobs.
これが、珪藻土粉です。This is diatomaceous earth powder.
As soon as you smoke, the inside of the tank becomes full of powder and you can’t see anything.
Powder accumulates in the tank, but it reaches the air pump filter. Debris other than powder remains in the tank, but powder in smoke form seems to be sucked out of the tank.
右に突き出た小さいペットボトルがフィルターです。The small plastic bottle that sticks out to the right is the filter.
フィルターをはずして、中を覗くとRemove the filter and look inside
The white filter turned brown and fine powder was visible. Is diatomaceous earth powder too small to be useful? (to be continued)
粉で汚れたので 水洗いして動画撮影に備え、少し改良をします。
It got dirty with powder, so I washed it with water and made some improvements in preparation for video shooting.
空気ポンプを逆さに使います。Use the air pump upside down.
ペーパーフィルターは紐で縛って取り付けます。Attach the paper filter by tying it with a string.
The pump is connected upside down to the top of the tank. The white one is a paper filter. to be continued
I made a slight design change. The filter was placed in front of the air pump to prevent diatomaceous earth powder from entering the air pump.
I made a filter with a filter sandwiched between a plastic bottle cut in half. Therefore, the inverted air pump was discontinued. to be continued
When I tried connecting it with a hose, the plastic bottle tank was too light and would easily fall over and not stand on its own.
I fixed the pump and tank in place using a dog watering dish, so they no longer wobble. to be continued
一度 粉の吸引実験をした結果、白いホースの蛇腹のヒダに粉が溜ってしまい、集塵器まで到達しませんでした。 ホースをジャバラの無い物に変更するなどして作り直します。つづく
Once, when we conducted a powder suction experiment, the powder accumulated in the folds of the bellows of the white hose and did not reach the dust collector. Rebuild by changing the hose to one without bellows. to be continued
基本構成は同じ、タンクを味付け海苔の容器を2個つないだ形に変更ホース類を内径14ミリから32ミリにサイズアップしました。 ジャバラの無いホースは無いことが判りました。軽いホースは強度を確保するためにどうしてもジャバラ構造又はコイルにする必要があるようなのでホース径を大きくすることにしました。
The basic configuration is the same, but the tank is shaped like two containers of seasoned seaweed connected together, and the inner diameter of the hoses has been increased from 14 mm to 32 mm. It turns out that there are no hoses without bellows. It seems that a lightweight hose must have a bellows structure or coil to ensure strength, so we decided to increase the hose diameter. I would like to experiment with this. to be continued
I tried lowering the height of the filter by using a waste plastic container.
宜しければ動画もご覧ください。 実験動画 Please click to watch the video if you like.
左がフィルター、右が集塵タンク。The filter is on the left, and the dust collection tank is on the right.
The hose and filter are made by heating a plastic bottle with a burner and shrinking it.
As an experiment, I tried smoking diatomaceous earth powder.
集塵タンク入り口は粉がへばり付いています。The entrance to the dust collection tank is caked with powder.
タンク内部は壁面がかなり汚れています。The walls inside the tank are quite dirty.
衝撃を与えると落ちてきました。It fell when I gave it a shock.
タンク下部 薄茶色の物が粉。糸くずみたいな物は以前吸ったペットボトルの削りカス。
At the bottom of the tank, the light brown substance is powder. The lint-like thing is shavings from a plastic bottle I used to smoke.
空気ポンプからフィルターを外しました。I removed the filter from the air pump.
The filter, which was pure white, is now covered in powder. What we couldn’t catch in the tank is now here.
Even if you give it a shock, it will only fall by this amount. The filter needs to be washed with water.
There is also a thin layer of powder at the pump entrance.
There is also powder stuck to the inner wall of the suction hose. The conclusion was that general dirt can be captured in the dust collection section, but about 30% of powder passes through the cyclone section. It seems to be okay for anything other than powdery materials such as wood shavings.
天理市 Tenri City
妻の出身大学の天理大学とその周辺に遊びに行った。I went to visit his wife’s alma mater, Tenri University, and its surrounding area.
先ずは 天理教の本部を見学しました。立派な木造建築でした。妻の同窓生が案内してくれました。First, we toured the Tenrikyo headquarters. It was a fine wooden structure. My wife’s alumni showed us around.
イチョウ並木の紅葉も最高でした。The autumn leaves of the ginkgo trees were also spectacular.
これは天理大学の図書館で、もうじき有形文化財になるそうです。日本各所の大学図書館ではありえないほどの蔵書数が保管されているらしい。This is Tenri University’s library, and it will soon become a tangible cultural property. It seems that university libraries in various parts of Japan have an unimaginable number of books stored there.
一日では回り切れないので、また訪れたい所です。The reading room looked like something out of Harry Potter. It’s a place I’d like to visit again, as I can’t visit it all in one day.
ボランティア volunteer
今日は冬シーズンの苗植えをしました。ガーデンクラブは住吉大社駅前の公園で月一回の活動をしています。Today we planted seedlings for the winter season. The Garden Club holds activities once a month at the park in front of Sumiyoshi Taisha Station.