令和6年の地震や豪雨災害の早い復興を願います。 私の趣味はDIYを楽しむ事 小さな物から大きな物まで修理や作成しています。 (写真:梅津正道隊員撮影) I wish for a swift recovery from the earthquake and heavy rain disasters of 2024. My hobby is enjoying DIY, repairing and creating things from small to large. (Photo: Taken by Masamichi Umezu)
The photos used in updated articles on this blog were automatically reduced in size when uploaded, but with a recent update, the size of the images automatically reduced to 2MB. If you upload a larger image than before, a message will appear and it will no longer be accepted. I researched a lot about this, worried about it, messed around, and my blog turned blank, so I was forced to study blogging for 10 days, and I stopped updating, but I was able to restart it without any problems. I feel relieved.
出発は阪堺線(通称チン電)の地元駅です。The departure point is the local station on the Hankai Line (commonly known as Chinden).
天王寺で阪急の特急で、橿原(かしはら)まで行きました。At Tennoji, I took the Hankyu express train to Kashihara.
コロナのせいか、閑散としてます。Maybe because of the coronavirus, it’s quiet.
駅から10分ほど歩くと、橿原神宮に着きました。あいにくの雨ですが木々の匂いが清々しかったです。Kashihara Shrine. Unfortunately it was raining, but the smell of the trees was refreshing. After that, we drove back to Gojo City after having lunch at a pizza restaurant in Nishiyoshino-cho.
天気が良ければ外で食べると最高だと思います。I think it’s best to eat outside if the weather is nice.
雨が降っていたので店の中でたべました。食べかけのピザと窓からの五條市です。手作りピザも美味しかったです。It was raining so we ate inside the store. A half-eaten pizza and Gojo City from the window. The homemade pizza was also delicious.
I tried making miso by hand (DIY). Of course with a teacher. The beans used are chickpeas. The teacher prepared the boiling process in advance. Excluding that, the work time is 2 hours.
This is a photo of the finished product. While I was working, my hands were covered in beans and salt so I couldn’t take any photos. The white stuff is salt containing vinyl that can be used as a weight.
Apparently you can eat it if you wait for half a year. I look forward to.