食卓を勉強机に Turn the dining table into a study desk



My wife will be studying at Webb Graduate School (USA). In my small house, there is only one study desk, and it is next to my bed. Considering the time difference, graduate school classes are held in the evening (in the morning in America). At that time, I would be sleeping in bed, so I had no choice but to take the web lecture at the dining table.

この食卓見てお分かりの様に二人用でかなり小さいのです。資料とパソコンで一杯になります。As you can see from this table, it is quite small and is meant for two people. It will be full of documents and computers.

そこで、PCを15センチの台に乗せました。こんな感じです。I placed my PC on a 15cm stand.



Two bars will come out from under the table. When I put a board on it, the area of the desk expanded by 30cm, giving me a lot more space.
