生ごみ入れ修理 garbage container repair


When the garbage box in the kitchen becomes heavy with more garbage, the part marked with a red circle deforms and smells leak out. Is it possible to do my wife’s request without deforming it somehow? is.


ゴミが増えて重くなると 赤丸の部分が変形して匂いが漏れます。


そこで 7ミリ厚の 木の板を 貼り付けて補強をすることにしました。

So she decided to reinforce it by attaching 7mm thick wooden boards.

ボックスは取外し式になっているので 取り付け用の穴を避けるための板を貼ります。

Since the box is removable, we will attach a board to avoid the mounting holes.


Paste a reinforcing board on top of that board. The plate is fixed with bolts and nuts.


You can see the nut on the outside. If you put a nut on the inside, the plastic bag will tear.


予想通り ボックスは変形しなくなりました。

Completed and returned to original position. Her box no longer deforms as expected.