釜山 Busan

2019.6.27 関空-釜山往復をジンエアー(LCC)を利用して行きました。

初めて韓国に行きました。福岡に行く位の時間で行けるので外国と思えません。言葉が殆ど通じませんので身振りと眼力で乗り切りました。2019.6.27 I went to Kansai International Airport and Busan round trip using Jin Air (LCC). I went to Korea for the first time. It doesn’t feel like a foreign country since you can get there in about the same amount of time as going to Fukuoka. Since I could hardly understand the language, I got through it with gestures and eyesight.

町中を歩いた印象は、「全体を綺麗にして歩道を整備した、台湾」という感じです。 Surprisingly, there were a lot of high-rise buildings (probably condominiums). Maybe there won’t be an earthquake? To my eyes, it looked like a skyscraper. Walking around the town gave me the feeling of being in Taiwan, where the whole area was clean and the sidewalks were well maintained.

木曜、金曜日だったので人出はそこそこでしたが、土日はきっと凄い人出になりそうな気がします。 On the first day, we went to the international market and bought Korean seaweed in bulk. On the second day, I bought a bunch of cloth slippers at a market in Seomyeon. Both markets are huge. It was Thursday and Friday, so the crowd was moderate, but I think it will be a huge turnout on Saturday and Sunday.

これは二日目の朝食、アワビ粥です。もちろん美味しかったです。 This is the second day’s breakfast, abalone porridge. Of course it was delicious.

夕方の便で戻り一泊二日の旅は終わりました。 The sweets are shaved ice topped with mashed red bean paste and are not too sweet. We returned on the evening flight, completing our one-night, two-day trip.