令和6年能登半島の地震と豪雨による被害の御見舞と早い復興を願います。 私は趣味としてDIYを楽しんでいて小さな物から大きな物まで修理したり作成したりしています。 (写真:梅津正道隊員撮影) I wish to express my condolences for the damage caused by the 2024 Noto Peninsula earthquake and torrential rains, and hope for an early recovery. I enjoy DIY as a hobby, repairing and making small and big things.
バスツアーで香川県丸亀市の中野うどん学校に行き、うどん打ちを体験して、試食をしました。We took a bus tour to Nakano Udon School in Marugame City, Kagawa Prefecture, where we experienced making udon noodles and sampled them.
これは、学校で打った、うどんを持ち帰って翌日自宅で食べた時の写真、コシのある美味しいうどんでした。This is a photo of the udon noodles I made at school and when I took them home the next day and ate them at home. They were chewy and delicious.
これは、父母海岸で水面に映る写真が撮れると噂のスポットです。その日は少し風が吹いていて水面が波打っていて、今一つでしたが楽しかったです。This is a rumored spot where you can take photos of the reflection on the water at Chichiha Beach. It was a bit windy that day and the water surface was rippled, so it wasn’t quite as good, but it was fun.
2023年お隣さんから、もらった二つのイチゴの苗、2か月ほど前に植えたところメチャクチャ元気で沢山実を付けます。3年位前のイチゴは殆ど実らなかったので、依頼イチゴはプロに任せるべきと言う結論に達していましたが、その思いは消え去りました。I planted two strawberry seedlings that I received from my neighbor in 2023 about two months ago, and they are doing very well and are producing lots of fruit. About three years ago, most of the strawberries didn’t bear fruit, so I had come to the conclusion that I should leave the commissioned strawberries to the professionals, but that thought has disappeared.
They grow red one after another and change color no matter how many they are picked. I ate a few pieces this month. The homemade strawberry daifuku is delicious sandwiched between the daifuku mochi that my girlfriend’s wife bought at the store.
バスツアーで南紀白浜に行きました。三段壁とイチゴ狩りを楽しんできました。I enjoyed Sandanbeki and strawberry picking.
イチゴを腹一杯食べました。大きくて甘いイチゴでした。妻はイチゴ大好き人間で大満足していました。I ate my fill of strawberries. It was a big and sweet strawberry. My wife loves strawberries and was very satisfied.