作業用流し作成 Work sink creation

(2024.6.17)(6.19) (6.21)(6.23)(6.26)(6.30)

私の作業部屋には流しが無いので液体物を捨てる時に道路際の排水桝まで行かなければならないので不便です。そこで、古い洗面器を利用して流しを作る事にしました。My workroom does not have a sink, which is inconvenient because I have to go to the drainage basin by the road to dispose of liquids. So I decided to make a sink using an old washbasin.

洗面器に排水穴を開けます。Drill a drainage hole in the basin.

アマゾンで購入した排水栓を取付けます。Attach a drain plug purchased from Amazon.com.


The main body of the sink is completed. To be continued


本日は流しの台を作って2か所に設置します。Today we will build a sink stand and install it in two locations.

これは外壁の台です不要になった、まな板を利用しました。This is an exterior platform made from a cutting board that is no longer needed.

外壁にL 型金具を取り付けます。L-shaped metal fittings are attached to the exterior wall.

裏は補強の板を1枚追加しています。I added one additional board for reinforcement on the back.

台をビスで金具と接続します。The stand is connected to the metal fittings with screws.

流しを載せると、こうなります。This is what it looks like when the sink is placed on it.

これは作業室用の台です。This is a stand for the workroom.

作業室は狭いので適正な場所が無いので宅配ボックス投入口の上にしました。There is no suitable place in the workroom because it is too small, so I placed it on top of the delivery box slot.

右側のブラケットに差し込むだけの簡易的な物で必要ないときは取り外しておこうと思います。It is a simple thing that just plugs into the bracket on the right side, and I will remove it when it is not needed.


Only one sink will be used, and it will be moved to the place where it is needed. To be continued


排水パイプを接続します。Connect the drainage pipe.

簡易な方法で流しから排水管に繋いでいます。A simple method is used to connect from the sink to the drain pipe.

トヨの排水も合流させました。The drainage from the toyo is also joined.

この先は作業室の流しに配管します。This end is plumbed to the sink in the workroom.

試験的に流してみました。Test flow.


It flowed perfectly. To be continued


作業室に排水管を設置しました。Drainage pipes were installed in the workroom.


The pink basin is to be used in the workroom and the light blue basin for outside use. To be continued


本日は流しに水道を配管します。Plumb the water supply to the sink today.

外部の流しに廃材の塩ビ管を使って配管しました。I plumbed in the outside sink using scrap PVC pipe.

作業室内の流しも廃材のシャワーホースを使って配管しました。Also, plumbed the sink in the workroom using a scrap shower hose.



Below the sink, the plumbing looks messy, so I bought a blindfold from a 100 yen store and installed it to hide the plumbing. To be continued

レンガ工作 brickwork

(2024.5.30)(6.10) (6.25)

バイト先で耐火煉瓦の切れ端を貰ったので何か作れないか検討中です。 I received some scraps of firebricks from my part-time job, and I’m considering what I can make with it.

ミニピザ窯を作ろうか? Shall I make a mini pizza oven?

植木鉢を作ろうか?思いを巡らせて検討中です。つづく Or make a flowerpot? I am thinking about it and considering.To be continued


植木鉢を作る事にしました。I decided to make a flowerpot.

四角形は二つ。土は入れずに鉢を入れてみました。Two squares. I put the pots without soil.


Two round shapes. To be continued


余っていたプランターに貼ってみました。  I put it on a planter I had left over.

植木置き ペンキ塗り Planting and painting


親戚に貰った庭用のテーブルセット2年程経過、黒色を白色に塗り替えたいと思います。I would like to repaint a garden table set given to me by a relative about 2 years ago, black color to white.

椅子塗りにくい裏面を先に塗って I need to paint the back side of the chair first, which is hard to paint.

表面を塗ります。Paint the surface.

テーブルも And the table.

裏面から表面を塗ります。Paint the surface from the back side.

小さな細工が施してあり5時間かかり日没となり終了、この写真は翌日撮影しました。It took 5 hours to paint the table because of the small workmanship.

白色もなかなか良いなと思います、仕上げ塗りをしたいですね。I think the white color is quite nice, and I would like to apply the finishing coat.

生ごみ入れ修理 garbage container repair


When the garbage box in the kitchen becomes heavy with more garbage, the part marked with a red circle deforms and smells leak out. Is it possible to do my wife’s request without deforming it somehow? is.


ゴミが増えて重くなると 赤丸の部分が変形して匂いが漏れます。


そこで 7ミリ厚の 木の板を 貼り付けて補強をすることにしました。

So she decided to reinforce it by attaching 7mm thick wooden boards.

ボックスは取外し式になっているので 取り付け用の穴を避けるための板を貼ります。

Since the box is removable, we will attach a board to avoid the mounting holes.


Paste a reinforcing board on top of that board. The plate is fixed with bolts and nuts.


You can see the nut on the outside. If you put a nut on the inside, the plastic bag will tear.


予想通り ボックスは変形しなくなりました。

Completed and returned to original position. Her box no longer deforms as expected.

ミニサイクロン集塵器 mini cyclone dust collector


追記更新 Additional update(12.4)(12.6) (12.8) (12.15) (12.17) (12.20)

小さな集塵器を作ってみました。I made a small dust collector.

非力な空気ポンプweak air pump

ペットボトルのタンク plastic bottle tank


The purpose of making it was to conduct an experiment to see if it could effectively collect the diatomaceous earth dust that is often found at part-time jobs.

これが、珪藻土粉です。This is diatomaceous earth powder.


As soon as you smoke, the inside of the tank becomes full of powder and you can’t see anything.


Powder accumulates in the tank, but it reaches the air pump filter. Debris other than powder remains in the tank, but powder in smoke form seems to be sucked out of the tank.

右に突き出た小さいペットボトルがフィルターです。The small plastic bottle that sticks out to the right is the filter.

フィルターをはずして、中を覗くとRemove the filter and look inside


The white filter turned brown and fine powder was visible. Is diatomaceous earth powder too small to be useful? (to be continued)


粉で汚れたので 水洗いして動画撮影に備え、少し改良をします。

It got dirty with powder, so I washed it with water and made some improvements in preparation for video shooting.

空気ポンプを逆さに使います。Use the air pump upside down.

ペーパーフィルターは紐で縛って取り付けます。Attach the paper filter by tying it with a string.


The pump is connected upside down to the top of the tank. The white one is a paper filter. to be continued



I made a slight design change. The filter was placed in front of the air pump to prevent diatomaceous earth powder from entering the air pump.


I made a filter with a filter sandwiched between a plastic bottle cut in half. Therefore, the inverted air pump was discontinued. to be continued



When I tried connecting it with a hose, the plastic bottle tank was too light and would easily fall over and not stand on its own.


I fixed the pump and tank in place using a dog watering dish, so they no longer wobble. to be continued


一度 粉の吸引実験をした結果、白いホースの蛇腹のヒダに粉が溜ってしまい、集塵器まで到達しませんでした。 ホースをジャバラの無い物に変更するなどして作り直します。つづく

Once, when we conducted a powder suction experiment, the powder accumulated in the folds of the bellows of the white hose and did not reach the dust collector. Rebuild by changing the hose to one without bellows. to be continued


基本構成は同じ、タンクを味付け海苔の容器を2個つないだ形に変更ホース類を内径14ミリから32ミリにサイズアップしました。 ジャバラの無いホースは無いことが判りました。軽いホースは強度を確保するためにどうしてもジャバラ構造又はコイルにする必要があるようなのでホース径を大きくすることにしました。


The basic configuration is the same, but the tank is shaped like two containers of seasoned seaweed connected together, and the inner diameter of the hoses has been increased from 14 mm to 32 mm. It turns out that there are no hoses without bellows. It seems that a lightweight hose must have a bellows structure or coil to ensure strength, so we decided to increase the hose diameter. I would like to experiment with this. to be continued



I tried lowering the height of the filter by using a waste plastic container.

宜しければ動画もご覧ください。 実験動画  Please click to watch the video if you like.

左がフィルター、右が集塵タンク。The filter is on the left, and the dust collection tank is on the right.


The hose and filter are made by heating a plastic bottle with a burner and shrinking it.


As an experiment, I tried smoking diatomaceous earth powder.

集塵タンク入り口は粉がへばり付いています。The entrance to the dust collection tank is caked with powder.

タンク内部は壁面がかなり汚れています。The walls inside the tank are quite dirty.

衝撃を与えると落ちてきました。It fell when I gave it a shock.

タンク下部 薄茶色の物が粉。糸くずみたいな物は以前吸ったペットボトルの削りカス。

At the bottom of the tank, the light brown substance is powder. The lint-like thing is shavings from a plastic bottle I used to smoke.

空気ポンプからフィルターを外しました。I removed the filter from the air pump.



The filter, which was pure white, is now covered in powder. What we couldn’t catch in the tank is now here.


Even if you give it a shock, it will only fall by this amount. The filter needs to be washed with water.


There is also a thin layer of powder at the pump entrance.




There is also powder stuck to the inner wall of the suction hose. The conclusion was that general dirt can be captured in the dust collection section, but about 30% of powder passes through the cyclone section. It seems to be okay for anything other than powdery materials such as wood shavings.