令和6年の地震や豪雨災害の早い復興を願います。 私の趣味はDIYを楽しむ事 小さな物から大きな物まで修理や作成しています。 (写真:梅津正道隊員撮影) I wish for a swift recovery from the earthquake and heavy rain disasters of 2024. My hobby is enjoying DIY, repairing and creating things from small to large. (Photo: Taken by Masamichi Umezu)
This tabletop is made of stone, and the resin coating on the surface has started to peel off and become rough. So, I decided to remove the coating and polish the surface.
初めは 粗い砥石で磨き First, I polished it with a coarse whetstone.
Next, I polished it with a 2,000-grit whetstone and a 6,000-grit whetstone. It was my first time polishing stone with a whetstone, but I think it went well.
I used the instructions I got from YouTube to guide me through the process, but the structure was so complex that I had to arrange the removed parts in order on a piece of paper.
やっとの思いでシャフトを抜き出しました。Finally, I pulled out the shaft.
左のローラーは溶けています。右のローラーも溶ける寸前です。The left roller is melted. The right roller is also on the verge of melting.
I was able to restore it by replacing it with parts I purchased from Amazon Prime for ¥1100 for 4 pieces. The color of the rubber is beautiful. I think it will last for a few more years.
机の上が雑然としてスッキリしません。My desk is cluttered and uncluttered.
原因に一つは自作のボトルスピーカーっぽいので、天井から吊り下げる事にしました。Because one of the causes seems to be a homemade bottle speaker, I decided to hang it from the ceiling.
全ネジが貫通できるように天井に穴を開けて、Drilled a hole in the ceiling so that all the screws can go through,
屋根裏から全ネジを垂らして、Dangling all the screws from the attic,
and hang the bottle speaker from the attic. To be continued
アマゾンプライムで買った全ネジが到着したのでスピーカ2台共吊り下げて水平垂直レベル合わせをしました。 All the screws I ordered from Amazon Prime arrived and I hung the two speakers and adjusted the horizontal and vertical levels.
I believe I’ve organized my desk, yet others may not perceive any change.