令和6年の地震や豪雨災害の早い復興を願います。 私の趣味はDIYを楽しむ事 小さな物から大きな物まで修理や作成しています。 (写真:梅津正道隊員撮影) I wish for a swift recovery from the earthquake and heavy rain disasters of 2024. My hobby is enjoying DIY, repairing and creating things from small to large. (Photo: Taken by Masamichi Umezu)
天板は緑のテープに沿ってステンレス用の丸鋸でカットして、横と底部を切るためにこのように立てました。I cut the top board along the green tape with a stainless steel circular saw, then stood it up like this to cut the sides and bottom.
これは、シンク用のお湯、水取り出し部です。フローリングが終わるまで、このままになります。This is the hot water and water outlet for the sink. It will remain this way until the flooring is finished.
一階でキッチンの排水管の一部が接着不良である事が判り、その部分取り替えて修理します。It was discovered that part of the drain pipe in the kitchen on the first floor had poor adhesion, and that part was replaced and repaired.
不良箇所を取り外しRemove the defective part
新しくフレキシブルパイプに交換して床下で再接続。Replaced with new flexible pipe and reconnected under the floor.
換気扇のルーバーが開かないことが判りました。プロペラは回るのですがルーバーが開かないので換気出来ません。交換することにしました。It turned out that the ventilation fan louver would not open. The propeller rotates, but the louver does not open, so ventilation is not possible. I decided to exchange it.
次はシンクをI型に並べた状態で背面を固定して、作業用開口部を塞ぎまます。Next, arrange the sinks in an I-shape and secure the back side to close the work opening.
つなぎ目にはコーキングをしてアルミテープを張りました。I caulked the joints and covered them with aluminum tape.
The previous resident told me, “The kitchen remote control is not working, so I use the 1st floor bathroom remote control to turn it on.” Upon investigation, we found that the electrical wire going from the 2nd floor to the water heater was disconnected. I was able to recover by bypassing the broken wire.
This is a ventilation fan construction for the toilet that will be added on the 3rd floor. I couldn’t attach the cool hood from the outside because the gap between my neighbor’s house was too narrow and I couldn’t put up a ladder, so I attached it from the inside using a bent PVC pipe. Doing this will make later work easier.