令和6年の地震や豪雨災害の早い復興を願います。 私の趣味はDIYを楽しむ事 小さな物から大きな物まで修理や作成しています。 (写真:梅津正道隊員撮影) I wish for a swift recovery from the earthquake and heavy rain disasters of 2024. My hobby is enjoying DIY, repairing and creating things from small to large. (Photo: Taken by Masamichi Umezu)
The road side part was painted last. First, apply a primer and let it dry before painting. It dries quickly when the outside temperature is 35 degrees. Due to the high temperature, it only took about 2 hours.
When the parts arrived, I connected the hot water piping. Old water supply pipes, old hot water pipes, and old electric wires were also buried in concrete, so I ran them through the same place as this pipe later.
床下点検口の中で作業すると腰が痛くなります。Working inside the inspection opening under the floor will cause back pain.
After installing the stop valve and replacing the old and new pipes, we opened the main valve, but there was a mistake in checking the old pipe route, and water spouted out under the bath floor. I hurriedly bought some parts at a home center and managed to complete the installation in the evening.
What you can see below is the ceiling of the garage on the first floor. Since the garage is outside, I can imagine that the living room on the second floor will get very cold in the winter if we don’t put insulation sheets in the visible part. I suddenly bought some insulation material online.
断熱材挿入と水、お湯、電気管の工事が終ったので、床板を戻します。Now that the insulation has been inserted and the water, hot water, and electric pipe work has been completed, it’s time to put the floorboards back in.
先ず、クッションフロアーを剥いで、こびり付いてい接着剤を電動ワイヤーブラシで取り除きます。Peel off the cushion floor and remove any stuck adhesive using an electric wire brush.
今日は、フローリング材が来ました。ロシアンパインの無垢、無塗装(1850×135 t:15)にしました。The flooring material arrived today. Made of solid Russian pine, unpainted (1850 x 135, t: 15).
張り終えた所は、蜜蝋ワックスを塗りながら進めてゆきます。Continue applying beeswax to the finished area.
二日目で終了。巾木は後日実施。Finished in two days.
巾木もパインの無垢材にしました。The baseboard was also made of solid pine.