インフラ infrastructure


ウォーキング中ふと見上げると高圧電線が沢山走っていました。When I looked up while walking, I saw a lot of high-voltage power lines running.

住之江区の変電所です。都会は住宅地の中に在るんですね。This is a substation in Suminoe Ward. The city is located in a residential area.



It is managed by Kansai Electric Power Company. Electricity is one of our life infrastructures. I feel the greatness of humanity. The Showa Base in Antarctica also has fuel, electricity, water, gas, food, medical care, communications, sewage treatment, garbage treatment and a miniature version of Japan’s infrastructure.

スマートウォッチ smart watch


血糖値を把握したいのでスマートウォッチ買いました。I bought a smart watch because I wanted to keep track of my blood sugar levels.

退職してから腕時計は外していましたが仕方なく装着します。I have taken off my watch since I retired, but I have no choice but to wear it again.

スマホとBluetoothで繋げて使います。設定が色々あって使い慣れるまで時間が掛かりそうです。Use by connecting to your smartphone via Bluetooth. There are many settings, so it may take some time to get used to using it.

太陽の塔見学 (2023.9.3) Tower of the Sun

私が中学校二年の時に開催の万博のシンボルだった太陽の塔を初めて見に行きました。When I was in the second year of junior high school, I went to see the Tower of the Sun for the first time, which was the symbol of the World Expo.

感激です。Deep emotion


お腹の中に入りました。It went into my stomach.

カメラ撮影は地階のみでしたが、いろんなところで芸術が爆発していました。岡本太郎凄いなぁー。Camera photography was only allowed in the basement, but art was exploding in various places. Taro Okamoto is amazing.

塔の中はエアコンが効いていましたが外は猛暑で公園内を歩き回る状況ではありません。園内を回る汽車の形をした車に乗りましたがエアコンが無くて暑かったです。The air conditioner inside the tower was working, but it was extremely hot outside and it was not a good condition to walk around the park. We rode in a train-shaped car that went around the park, but there was no air conditioning, so it was hot.


虹? (2023.8.24)rainbow


棒のような虹なので レイン棒 と名付けました。でも彩雲の様な気がしますがどうでしょうか?

On my way home from my part-time job, I suddenly looked up and saw a straight rainbow in the clouds, so I took a photo. I think it’s Saiun.

キッチンシンク 下部補修 (2023.8.20)Kitchen sink lower part repair

我が家のシンクは25年選手です。老朽化しています。ふとシートをめくると写真の様になっていました。The sink in our house has been a player for 25 years. It’s aging. When I turned the sheet over, it looked like the photo.

触ると結構ボロボロと欠片が落ちる状態です。If you touch it, it will fall apart and pieces will fall off.

巾木風に端材を当てがってみました。I tried using scraps to make a baseboard style.