今日は冬シーズンの苗植えをしました。ガーデンクラブは住吉大社駅前の公園で月一回の活動をしています。Today we planted seedlings for the winter season. The Garden Club holds activities once a month at the park in front of Sumiyoshi Taisha Station.
南極 ごかい越冬男 A man who wintered in Antarctica five times
令和6年の地震や豪雨災害の早い復興を願います。 私の趣味はDIYを楽しむ事 小さな物から大きな物まで修理や作成しています。 (写真:梅津正道隊員撮影) I wish for a swift recovery from the earthquake and heavy rain disasters of 2024. My hobby is enjoying DIY, repairing and creating things from small to large. (Photo: Taken by Masamichi Umezu)
今日は冬シーズンの苗植えをしました。ガーデンクラブは住吉大社駅前の公園で月一回の活動をしています。Today we planted seedlings for the winter season. The Garden Club holds activities once a month at the park in front of Sumiyoshi Taisha Station.
流出弁とハンドルレバーを繋げているチェーンが外れて流出弁に引っ掛かっていました。Today, the water in the toilet kept running. When I closed the main valve and opened the lid of the water tank, the chain connecting the outflow valve and the handle lever came off and got caught in the outflow valve.
チェーンを引き上げてレバーに繋げたら直りました。大事にならずに済んで良かったです。I pulled up the chain and connected it to the lever and it was fixed. I’m glad it didn’t become a big deal.
This is a story about a former colleague of mine. After having a takoyaki party at a friend’s house, I was supposed to go home in my colleague’s car, so I waited at the exit of the apartment building for the car to come from the coin park, but it never came, so I got worried and looked around the entrance and exit. There is no sign of either. I also tried to find a pedestrian passage, so I turned to look to the right of the road and saw my colleague’s car parked there. When I heard the story, I was told that a car was driving the wrong way on a one-way street, blocking the road and not moving.
There was an elderly couple in the wrong-way car, and the husband was driving. He is elderly and seems a little worried about driving. He says he lives in Shiga Prefecture, and two weeks ago he drove to the Nakanoshima Library in Osaka, parked at the coin park, finished his errands, and tried to go home, but he couldn’t return to the coin park, so he left his car (red Wagon R) behind. He said he went home by train.
For the next two weeks, I spent all my time trying to find a parking spot for my wife’s car, but I couldn’t find one at all. He went home with a sad tone, saying that he went to the local police and consulted with them, but they didn’t take action on his case, probably because there was no evidence of an incident. We both went home feeling sad and lonely. The next day, that former colleague went to Nakanoshima to kill lice at the coin park and found a red Wagon R!
近くの警察に事情を説明してもちぬしに連絡して欲しいと伝えると、結構疑わしい口調で警察官に事情を聴かれたそうです。When I explained the situation to the nearby police and asked them to contact Chinushi, the police officer asked me about the situation in a rather suspicious tone.
私の同僚の行動は 心温まる良い話ですが、警察の対応は一寸悲しい話です。老夫婦の連絡先を聞いておけば警察の世話にならずに嫌な思いをしなくて済んだんですが残念です。My colleague’s actions are a heartwarming story, but the police response is a bit sad. If I had asked for the elderly couple’s contact information, I could have saved myself from having to deal with the police and having such a bad experience, but it’s a shame.
ブラボー マイ 元同僚 ‼ きっと天国に行けるでしょう。
ウォーキング中ふと見上げると高圧電線が沢山走っていました。When I looked up while walking, I saw a lot of high-voltage power lines running.
住之江区の変電所です。都会は住宅地の中に在るんですね。This is a substation in Suminoe Ward. The city is located in a residential area.
It is managed by Kansai Electric Power Company. Electricity is one of our life infrastructures. I feel the greatness of humanity. The Showa Base in Antarctica also has fuel, electricity, water, gas, food, medical care, communications, sewage treatment, garbage treatment and a miniature version of Japan’s infrastructure.
血糖値を把握したいのでスマートウォッチ買いました。I bought a smart watch because I wanted to keep track of my blood sugar levels.
退職してから腕時計は外していましたが仕方なく装着します。I have taken off my watch since I retired, but I have no choice but to wear it again.
スマホとBluetoothで繋げて使います。設定が色々あって使い慣れるまで時間が掛かりそうです。Use by connecting to your smartphone via Bluetooth. There are many settings, so it may take some time to get used to using it.