中古の電動糸鋸を購入 Purchased a used electric thread saw.


以前から欲しかった糸鋸をメルカリで中古で購入しました。I bought a used thread saw that I had wanted for a long time.

プロクソン(PROXXON) コッピングソウテーブルと言います。  PROXON Copping Saw Table

軽くて、普通に動きました。It was light and worked normally.

端材の板を切ってみました。I cut a board of scrap wood.

スピードが1800回転と高い感じがしました。DIYでスピード調整を付けたいなと思いました。I felt the speed was too high at 1800 rpm; I wanted to add a DIY speed adjustment.


Cutting is beautiful. Curves were also smooth. I would like to try making something small. I feel like I have more things to look forward to. To be continued


切りくず 飛ばしのエアーチューブを取付けました。 Air tube for flying chips was installed.

これは スピード調整用の回路基板 This is the circuit board for speed adjustment.

コンパクトにするために テープで抱き合わせた。To make it compact, I taped it together.

しかし 裏ブタが基盤と当たって 閉まらず やむなく うらぶたの一部を カットしたので このようになってしまいました。  However, the back cover was not able to close due to hitting the base, and I had no choice but to cut a part of the back cover, so it ended up like this.



The black volume is the speed adjustment dial.To be continued

うなぎの蒲焼 broiled eel


今年の7月に発売された うなぎの蒲焼 その名も「うな次郎」スーパーで見掛けたので買ってみました。Unagi no Kabayaki (broiled eel), also known as “Unajiro,” went on sale in July of this year. I saw it in a supermarket and bought it.

実は蒲鉾をうなぎに似せて加工した 偽物です。表面の模様と裏側の皮の部分が何とも本物そっくりに作ってあり 付属のタレと山椒の粉をかけて食べると 絶妙な味で結構美味しく食べられました。一度お試しあれ。

In fact, it is a fake kamaboko made to look like eel. The pattern on the surface and the skin on the back are made to look just like the real thing, and when eaten with the accompanying sauce and sansho powder, the taste is exquisite and quite delicious. Try it once.

台風対策 Typhoon countermeasures


2024年8月 台風10号が強烈な勢力で ゆっくり近づいて来ています。ご覧の様に 我が家はシェード類が多く 風に弱いので 台風には何時も気を使います。鹿児島では風速60m.を記録していて一寸怖い存在です。

August 2024 Typhoon No. 10 is approaching slowly and with great force. As you can see, we have a lot of shades in our house, and they are vulnerable to the wind, so we are always very careful about typhoons. In Kagoshima, wind speeds of 60 m.p.h. have been recorded, which is a bit frightening.

1日中シェード外し 植木鉢を移動をしました。過去の台風で屋根の一部が飛ばされたことがあって 少しトラウマになっています。つづく。

I spent all day removing shades and moving flowerpots. We are a little traumatized because a part of the roof was blown off by a typhoon in the past. To be continued.


台風が去ったので、シェード類を復旧しました。Now that the typhoon has passed, the shades have been restored.

ここにも目隠しが欲しいので I wanted to have a blindfold here as well.

このように、追加しました。I added it like this.

外から見たら もう少し左に移動しなければなりませんね。 From the outside, it needs to be moved a little more to the left.


Then I left the turf on the 2nd floor and the blindfold on the 3rd floor off because it will take some time to deal with another typhoon this season.

かがみ固定 手直し Fixing the mirror


壁コーナーに鏡を掛けていましたが 単純に壁に掛けていたので映る象が面白くないので角度を付けて固定することにしました。 I had hung a mirror on the wall corner, but I decided to fix it at an angle because the elephant reflected in the mirror is not interesting.

片側を壁から離したいので、こんな物を取付けました。I wanted to move one side of the mirror away from the wall, so I installed something like this.

部屋の中心付近が見えるようになりました。We can now see around the center of the room.

コナー部分が約10センチ壁から離れました。The conner part is now about 10 cm away from the wall.

ゆうちょトークン Japan Post Token



My Japan Post token started giving a message that the battery was running low, so I decided to change the authentication method and stop using the token. Let’s disassemble the tokens that are no longer in use.


表面 front side,

裏面 reverse side


Insert a cutter into the surface and peel off the sticker with the button.

ボタン接点があります。 There is a button contact.



The holes above the battery are contacts for settings, not speakers.



Remove the button battery and complete the disassembly. The 15 round pieces between the battery and the LCD seem to be contacts for settings.