岐阜カミオカンデ旅行 2013.07  Gifu-Kamiokande trip

  • カミオカンデとは? What is Kamiokande?
  • ジオスペース・アドベンチャーに参加しました。
    カミオカンデの見学の抽選に当たって、2013年7月13日大学時代の友人と二人で行きました。都会の蒸し暑い環境とは違って爽やかなで涼しい時間を過ごすことが出来ました。Participated in a geospace adventure. I won a lottery for a tour of Kamiokande, and went there on July 13, 2013 with a friend from university. I was able to spend a refreshing and cool time here, unlike the hot and humid environment of the city.

  • スーパーカミオカンデは、宇宙の暗黒物質を研究するための施設で世界中から研究者が来ているそうで、装置も稼働中でした。この見学では検出水槽の天井まで行くことが出来き興奮しました。
  • Super-Kamiokande is a facility for researching dark matter in the universe, and researchers from all over the world have come here, and the equipment was also in operation. During this tour, I was excited to be able to go up to the ceiling of the detection tank.
    当日の朝、高岡公民館に集合して、バスで20分ほど走ると入口に到着。On the morning of the day, we gathered at the Takaoka Community Center and took a bus for about 20 minutes to arrive at the entrance.

入口は鉱山内から冷えた空気が出てくため、霧が発生しています。Fog forms at the entrance due to cold air coming out from inside the mine.

内部は通年13℃くらいだそうです。The temperature inside is around 13 degrees Celsius all year round.

その霧の入口からマイクロバスで約1000m潜り込むのです。From the entrance of the fog, you will descend approximately 1000 meters by microbus.

途中切削に使う重機なども見学出来きますYou can also see the heavy machinery used for cutting along the way.

途中の見学ポイントでは寸劇等もあり面白かったです。There were skits and other shows at observation points along the way, which were very interesting.

更に進んで行くと、いよいよスーパーカミオカンデ入口に着きました。毛利さんのサインが有ります、Continuing further, we finally arrived at the Super Kamiokande entrance. There is Mouri’s signature.

私たちの足の下は、光センサーだらけの巨大な超純水の水槽です。If you go further, you will see the ceiling of the experimental tank. Beneath our feet is a giant aquarium of ultra-pure water filled with optical sensors.


ガラスで出来たお化け電球みたいな形をしていて、水槽内にビッシリと設置されてるそうです。The sensor is shaped like a ghost light bulb made of glass, and is installed tightly inside the aquarium.

3時間も経つとお腹がすいてきます、洞窟の中のフードコートで、カレーを食べました。「おいしかった」そして「面白かった!」After three hours, I started getting hungry, so I ate curry at the food court inside the cave. “It was delicious” and “It was interesting!”


午後は下呂温泉でお風呂に入り、合掌作りを見学しました。In the afternoon, we took a bath at Gero Onsen and watched gassho making.

「飛騨牛のホウバ味噌焼きは美味でした。」The Hida beef grilled with Houba miso was delicious.”


昭和基地に5回 5 times to Showa Base


I wintered at Showa Station in Antarctica five times. My first time was as an airplane mechanic when I was in the Japan Coast Guard, my second and fifth stints were in charge of generators, and my third and fourth stints were in charge of environmental conservation. After the second time, I stopped working as a self-employed electrical worker, and the Showa Base feels like my second home.

静電気 static electricity


This is a video when the antenna wire connected to the radio is disconnected. This video shows static electricity generated in a VHF antenna due to a blizzard with wind speeds of 40 to 50 meters/second discharging at the connection on the radio side. After this, I was so scared that I didn’t connect the antenna wire until the blizzard was over.



In the last photo, when a high-voltage voltage detector was applied to the wall of the passageway, the lamp glowed and reacted. High-voltage voltage detectors usually respond to voltages above 600V. Static electricity in winter in Japan is said to be over 3000V, and car spark plugs are around 20000V. I personally feel that the static electricity in the Antarctic is more painful than a spark plug. (Author’s subjective opinion)

2008年以前 Before 2008


電動ドリル修理 electric drill repair

今回は日曜大工や本職の電気工事には欠かす事の出来ない、充電式ドリルドライバーが10年目にして 壊れて回らなくなったので、ネットで部品を購入して修理しました。無事、交換作業も終わり又日曜大工 に活躍する事でしょう。

D級アンプ DIY Class D amplifier DIY



先ずはケースに、電源部を固定し、入出力、ボリュウム、スイッチ、ランプを付ける。 電源ラインを配線。



