南極 ごかい越冬男 A man who wintered in Antarctica five times
令和6年能登半島の地震と豪雨による被害の御見舞と早い復興を願います。 私は趣味としてDIYを楽しんでいて小さな物から大きな物まで修理したり作成したりしています。 (写真:梅津正道隊員撮影) I wish to express my condolences for the damage caused by the 2024 Noto Peninsula earthquake and torrential rains, and hope for an early recovery. I enjoy DIY as a hobby, repairing and making small and big things.
2018年2月12日犬の散歩に出ると、雪が積もっていました。大阪に来て5年ですが初めてです。大阪はホントに住みやすく災害の少ない土地です。When I went out for a walk with my dog on February 12, 2018, there was snow on the ground. It’s been 5 years since I came to Osaka, but this is my first time. Osaka is a really easy place to live and has few disasters.
On February 3rd and 4th, 2018, I went to Fukuoka to celebrate the first anniversary of my father’s death. We stayed at the hotel in Tenjin and went to Nakasu for dinner. When I visited the store I went to 40 years ago, it was still open.
一口餃子のお店です。当時は俗称「破れ障子」と呼ばれていました。This is a bite-sized gyoza shop.
写真は黒豚餃子です。大きさは普通の餃子の半分以下です。おいしーですよー。The photo is of black pork gyoza. The size is less than half the size of regular dumplings
店を出て隣に博多ラーメンが在ったので、一杯食べて帰りました。大満足の夕食でした。When I left the store, there was Hakata Ramen next door, so I had a bowl of ramen and headed home. It was a very satisfying dinner.