令和6年能登半島の地震と豪雨による被害の御見舞と早い復興を願います。 私は趣味としてDIYを楽しんでいて小さな物から大きな物まで修理したり作成したりしています。 (写真:梅津正道隊員撮影) I wish to express my condolences for the damage caused by the 2024 Noto Peninsula earthquake and torrential rains, and hope for an early recovery. I enjoy DIY as a hobby, repairing and making small and big things.
温暖化の影響は計り知れないものだと思います、力を合わせて皆で取り組まないと、被害が無くならないと思います。Typhoon No. 19 in 2019 caused severe damage. We would like to express our deepest sympathies to those affected by the disaster. I can’t imagine how many years it will take to recover. Osaka suffered major damage from the wind during the 2018 typhoon, but the blue sheet roof can still be seen. I think the effects of global warming are immeasurable, and unless we all work together to tackle them, I don’t think the damage will go away.
去年引っ越したので今年はプランターで育てて見ます。連休明けに植えたいので今日(4月中旬)にプランターとネットの準備をしました。I moved last year, so this year I will grow it in a planter. I want to plant them after the holidays, so I prepared the planter and net today (mid-April).
唯一北面だけが空いている家なので、日当たりが心配です。うまく育つと良いのですが。The north side of the house is the only one that is vacant, so I’m worried about sunlight. I hope it grows well.
20190.7.07 大きくなりました。一番上は二階のベランダの手摺り辺りで上昇中です。20190.7.07 It has become bigger. The top one is rising near the handrail of the balcony on the second floor.
果実も2、3本食べました。 明日は、これを収穫しようか?毎日楽しみです。I also ate two or three fruits. Shall we harvest this tomorrow? I look forward to it every day.
暫く写真を載せていませんでしたが、随分大きくなりました。お盆明け花が咲かない時期があって心配しましたが下旬になってまた花が咲き始めました。I haven’t posted any photos for a while, but it has grown quite a bit. I was worried because there was a period when the flowers did not bloom after Obon, but the flowers started blooming again in the end of the month.
上は、3階の床までとどいています。実の大きさは中ですが、 15個から20個は収穫しました。 上の方の収穫は脚立が必要です。来年はネットの張り方を工夫しないとなりませんね。It reaches all the way to the third floor. The fruit size is medium, but I harvested 15 to 20 pieces. A stepladder is required for harvesting the upper portions. We’ll have to think about how to set up the net next year.
10月19日ゴーヤが枯れ始めたので切リました。今回は小さな実ばかりでしたが結構楽しませてもらいました。On October 19th, the bitter melons started to wither, so I cut them. This time I only had small fruits, but I had a lot of fun.
来週は土をれフレッシュして何か植えたいと思います。Next week I would like to freshen the soil and plant something.
Garbage is also a problem in Antarctica. The garbage of the past exists in Taksan. In years when there is a lot of snow, the garbage is buried under the snow, making it impossible to collect it.
これはイメージ画像です。This is an image.
Many new technologies are emerging. It seems like there are things that are useful for the earth.