令和6年の地震や豪雨災害の早い復興を願います。 私の趣味はDIYを楽しむ事 小さな物から大きな物まで修理や作成しています。 (写真:梅津正道隊員撮影) I wish for a swift recovery from the earthquake and heavy rain disasters of 2024. My hobby is enjoying DIY, repairing and creating things from small to large. (Photo: Taken by Masamichi Umezu)
今年の7月に発売された うなぎの蒲焼 その名も「うな次郎」スーパーで見掛けたので買ってみました。Unagi no Kabayaki (broiled eel), also known as “Unajiro,” went on sale in July of this year. I saw it in a supermarket and bought it.
In fact, it is a fake kamaboko made to look like eel. The pattern on the surface and the skin on the back are made to look just like the real thing, and when eaten with the accompanying sauce and sansho powder, the taste is exquisite and quite delicious. Try it once.
August 2024 Typhoon No. 10 is approaching slowly and with great force. As you can see, we have a lot of shades in our house, and they are vulnerable to the wind, so we are always very careful about typhoons. In Kagoshima, wind speeds of 60 m.p.h. have been recorded, which is a bit frightening.
I spent all day removing shades and moving flowerpots. We are a little traumatized because a part of the roof was blown off by a typhoon in the past. To be continued.
台風が去ったので、シェード類を復旧しました。Now that the typhoon has passed, the shades have been restored.
ここにも目隠しが欲しいので I wanted to have a blindfold here as well.
このように、追加しました。I added it like this.
外から見たら もう少し左に移動しなければなりませんね。 From the outside, it needs to be moved a little more to the left.
机の上が雑然としてスッキリしません。My desk is cluttered and uncluttered.
原因に一つは自作のボトルスピーカーっぽいので、天井から吊り下げる事にしました。Because one of the causes seems to be a homemade bottle speaker, I decided to hang it from the ceiling.
全ネジが貫通できるように天井に穴を開けて、Drilled a hole in the ceiling so that all the screws can go through,
屋根裏から全ネジを垂らして、Dangling all the screws from the attic,
and hang the bottle speaker from the attic. To be continued
アマゾンプライムで買った全ネジが到着したのでスピーカ2台共吊り下げて水平垂直レベル合わせをしました。 All the screws I ordered from Amazon Prime arrived and I hung the two speakers and adjusted the horizontal and vertical levels.
I believe I’ve organized my desk, yet others may not perceive any change.
The inside of the hose at the faucet connection was full of rust. This should have caused the loss of momentum. After removing the rust and restoring the hose, the water started to come out. The water started to come out vigorously.
At the same time, we inspected the hot water side and found the same rust. I removed the rust this time, but I think it will rust again. I thought it would be a good idea to replace the hose at this time. To be continued
本日 ホースが到着したので交換します。Hoses arrived today and will be replaced.
旧部品の錆びていた部分は ステンレスに変更されているので 今後錆ないと思います。
The rusted parts of the old parts have been replaced with stainless steel, so I don’t think they will rust in the future.