妻からテーブル下の収納を増やして欲しいというリクエストがありました。My wife requested more storage under the table.
作業前はこんな感じです。Before the work, this is what it looked like.
籠の中はティシュー、綿棒、爪切り、かかと削りなどが入っています。 Inside the basket are tissues, cotton swabs, nail clippers, heel sharpeners, etc.
テーブルの下半分を使っています。The bottom half of the table is used.
今回は2倍の収納面積にしました。For this project, we doubled the storage area.
高さも2倍あります。It is also twice as high.
今迄と同じものが入っていますが、高さが2倍に増えたので余裕が出来て取り出しやすくしまいやすい感じです。They are the same as before, but now they are twice as high, so there is more room and they are easier to take out and put away.
With this one, a hair dryer and hair oil can be stored. The question remains as to why we dry our hair on the sofa, but please understand that this is a family situation.