作業用流し作成 Work sink creation

(2024.6.17)(6.19) (6.21)(6.23)(6.26)(6.30)

私の作業部屋には流しが無いので液体物を捨てる時に道路際の排水桝まで行かなければならないので不便です。そこで、古い洗面器を利用して流しを作る事にしました。My workroom does not have a sink, which is inconvenient because I have to go to the drainage basin by the road to dispose of liquids. So I decided to make a sink using an old washbasin.

洗面器に排水穴を開けます。Drill a drainage hole in the basin.

アマゾンで購入した排水栓を取付けます。Attach a drain plug purchased from Amazon.com.


The main body of the sink is completed. To be continued


本日は流しの台を作って2か所に設置します。Today we will build a sink stand and install it in two locations.

これは外壁の台です不要になった、まな板を利用しました。This is an exterior platform made from a cutting board that is no longer needed.

外壁にL 型金具を取り付けます。L-shaped metal fittings are attached to the exterior wall.

裏は補強の板を1枚追加しています。I added one additional board for reinforcement on the back.

台をビスで金具と接続します。The stand is connected to the metal fittings with screws.

流しを載せると、こうなります。This is what it looks like when the sink is placed on it.

これは作業室用の台です。This is a stand for the workroom.

作業室は狭いので適正な場所が無いので宅配ボックス投入口の上にしました。There is no suitable place in the workroom because it is too small, so I placed it on top of the delivery box slot.

右側のブラケットに差し込むだけの簡易的な物で必要ないときは取り外しておこうと思います。It is a simple thing that just plugs into the bracket on the right side, and I will remove it when it is not needed.


Only one sink will be used, and it will be moved to the place where it is needed. To be continued


排水パイプを接続します。Connect the drainage pipe.

簡易な方法で流しから排水管に繋いでいます。A simple method is used to connect from the sink to the drain pipe.

トヨの排水も合流させました。The drainage from the toyo is also joined.

この先は作業室の流しに配管します。This end is plumbed to the sink in the workroom.

試験的に流してみました。Test flow.


It flowed perfectly. To be continued


作業室に排水管を設置しました。Drainage pipes were installed in the workroom.


The pink basin is to be used in the workroom and the light blue basin for outside use. To be continued


本日は流しに水道を配管します。Plumb the water supply to the sink today.

外部の流しに廃材の塩ビ管を使って配管しました。I plumbed in the outside sink using scrap PVC pipe.

作業室内の流しも廃材のシャワーホースを使って配管しました。Also, plumbed the sink in the workroom using a scrap shower hose.



Below the sink, the plumbing looks messy, so I bought a blindfold from a 100 yen store and installed it to hide the plumbing. To be continued