F1グランプリ 卒業

2021年シーズンを最後にホンダはF1 から撤退するそうです。 世の中が電気自動車にシフトしてゆくご時世なのですね 。




小学校の頃からカーレース観戦が好きだった私が頭を切り替えられるか? ホンダに負けないように挑戦してみたいと思います。

Honda is said to be withdrawing from F1 at the end of the 2021 season. We live in a time when the world is shifting to electric vehicles. The world is moving towards decarbonization. It seems like the earth is screaming. We will have to face it seriously. Humanity has gradually become aware of this and is preparing to go into space, but it may be sooner if the Earth is destroyed. I guess it’s time for my brain to shift to the next one. I would like to watch F1 for a little while in the 2021 season, then graduate and find a motor sport that I can enjoy using new technology. I have loved watching car races since I was in elementary school, so I wonder if I can change my mind? I would like to try and not lose to Honda.





