昭和基地に5回 5 times to Showa Base


I wintered at Showa Station in Antarctica five times. My first time was as an airplane mechanic when I was in the Japan Coast Guard, my second and fifth stints were in charge of generators, and my third and fourth stints were in charge of environmental conservation. After the second time, I stopped working as a self-employed electrical worker, and the Showa Base feels like my second home.

静電気 static electricity


This is a video when the antenna wire connected to the radio is disconnected. This video shows static electricity generated in a VHF antenna due to a blizzard with wind speeds of 40 to 50 meters/second discharging at the connection on the radio side. After this, I was so scared that I didn’t connect the antenna wire until the blizzard was over.



In the last photo, when a high-voltage voltage detector was applied to the wall of the passageway, the lamp glowed and reacted. High-voltage voltage detectors usually respond to voltages above 600V. Static electricity in winter in Japan is said to be over 3000V, and car spark plugs are around 20000V. I personally feel that the static electricity in the Antarctic is more painful than a spark plug. (Author’s subjective opinion)