物置と宅配ボックス作成(2019-Apr)Creating a storage room and delivery box



I would like to use part of the garage on the first floor as a storeroom to store carpentry tools and other items. First, I erected a pillar using deer wall.


手前側は塩ビの波板を張りました。昼間の明るさを取り入れたかったので白の半透明を採用してます。The brown parts are recycled partition doors that were removed on the second floor and the doors that were removed on the third floor. The front side was covered with corrugated PVC board. I wanted to incorporate the brightness of daytime, so I chose a white semi-transparent color.

物置の中に棚を作ることで収納、作業効率をアップできました。正面奥のハシゴのように見えるものは、宅配ボックス機能を追加します。By building shelves inside the storeroom, we were able to improve storage and work efficiency. What looks like a ladder at the back of the front adds a delivery box function.

宅配boxの内側の作業を少し進めました。荷物を入れる時に中が丸見えにならないように工夫をします。We have made some progress on the inside of the delivery box. When putting your luggage in, try to make sure that the contents are not completely exposed.


The design is such that when you open the outer door and push the inner door with a piece of cardboard, the cardboard will fall inside. Since it is impossible to take out the cardboard once it has been put in, I decided to omit the key, although there is usually a key.




それから、この物置には、秘密基地2という名前をつけました。ドアには飾りを付けました。Then, I named this storeroom Secret Base 2. The door was decorated.



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