福岡あじ散歩 Fukuoka walk




On February 3rd and 4th, 2018, I went to Fukuoka to celebrate the first anniversary of my father’s death. We stayed at the hotel in Tenjin and went to Nakasu for dinner. When I visited the store I went to 40 years ago, it was still open.

一口餃子のお店です。当時は俗称「破れ障子」と呼ばれていました。This is a bite-sized gyoza shop.

写真は黒豚餃子です。大きさは普通の餃子の半分以下です。おいしーですよー。The photo is of black pork gyoza. The size is less than half the size of regular dumplings

店を出て隣に博多ラーメンが在ったので、一杯食べて帰りました。大満足の夕食でした。When I left the store, there was Hakata Ramen next door, so I had a bowl of ramen and headed home. It was a very satisfying dinner.


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